Reviews For The Second Chance
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Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 30, 2021 10:49 am Title: Chapter 17

Gus has every right to be unhappy.  He wants to see Brian but Justin is against it.  Ethan seems to be the voice of reason.

Author's Response:

At least one of them seems to be able to keep a cool head...Let's see how it will all play out.

Thanks for your comment! 

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 03, 2021 5:55 am Title: Chapter 17

Hi there! "and I know that we're talking about a fictional character, so I'll stop now before it sounds even weirder than it already does" - haha - I know what you mean! Do you know how often I had to pull myself together while reading some stories and tell myself that this is all just fiction... and so often I have to remind myself, that there are no Michael or Lindsay to blame, it's all Cowlip's fault. :-) And yeah, I also think for us readers it's hard to get the information chapter by chapter, but at least (and you know, I'm soooo thankful) you publish your story regularly. I think my problems with Justin and his behavior are all rooted in the fact that I just can't imagine that he would stay with another man if he could actually be with Brian. I haven't seen "castaway". I don't know, maybe I could imagine it easier with other couples ... And then Ethan ... Maybe you should have given this other man a different name. ;-) I always see Ethan in front of me and think, no way ... but of course he behaves very differently here in your story. So, enough of it. I really like your story and I'm curious what will come next ...

Oh, another hurtful chapter. Didn't you promised that it would get better... ;-) I feel so sorry for Brian and Gus. It must be terrible that they are only allowed this supervised time together. And again, I feel so angry about Justin. Brian did everything right. He listened to his son and explained the situation to him and took him to Justin and Ethan. And the accusation against Justin that he didn't call him when he noticed that Gus didn't come home is just as justified. Justin could also have got the idea that Gus had gone to Brian. That would be the first person he could have called. I also find Ethan's objection to think about why Gus did this on that day very appropriate. Maybe something happened at school... I also find it totally presumptuous of Justin to immediately suspect Brian and to accuse him of having picked up Gus and not to consider the possibility at all that Gus was the one who went to Brian. But Justin doesn't want to hear any of this. Does he have such a guilty conscience or what is wrong with him? I was almost a bit disappointed that Gus hadn't overheard this conversation, stormed out and also told Justin that he would hate him. I know of course that it's a bit childish and of course Gus doesn't neither hate Brian nor Justin, but that only Brian, who has it already a lot harder in this situation anyway, had to listen to it was painful. I really hope the next chapter is about Justin and Gus! And finally, a little bit of criticism about Brian. I really wish he'd finally realize he has a problem and probably never will get full custody of his son if he doesn't do something about it. So, looking forward to Sunday! Warmest regards and stay healthy!

Author's Response:

Haha, thanks for understanding me :)

Sometimes I have to remind myself as well: It's just fiction, they are not real people... I am glad I am not the only one who feels that way.

I know what you mean about not being able to see Justin with another man when he could be with Brian. And really, that is part of the real problem here: He tried so hard to move on after he thought Brian had died, tried so hard to have a new life and maybe he's clinging to that new life way more desperately than he should. For whatever reason. 

We'll find out more from Justin's POV soon, so I promise that some of those questions will get answered!

As for Ethan: Yeah, maybe it wasn't the best idea to use him as the new partner. In hindsight, a new original character might have been the better choice, but I liked the idea of giving Justin and Ethan the kind of relationship they didn't get on the show. As I mentioned before, I never really had a problem with Ethan and the Justin/Ethan relationship and my only real problem was how Cowlip decided to end it with Ethan cheating, instead of making it about the "hiding in the closet" vs. "career" discussion... So yeah, maybe I was trying too hard to give them a real shot here and should have made Ethan an original character instead. I can totally see that as a valid point!

I promise it will getter after this chapter! Does that count? You know how they say it's always darkest before dawn? That was this chapter. This was the absolute low point in the story. I promise!!!

I agree with everything you said about the argument: Brian did the best he could in the situation, Justin should have thought that Gus might be with Brian and at the very least should have informed Brian that Gus was missing, he shouldn't have immediately accused Brian of wrongdoing, but should have listened to his explanations like Ethan did, but what can I say? Can we say that he wasn't thinking clearly because he was so worried about Gus? Yes? No? ;)

I am sure Justin will get his fair share of evil eye from Gus as well. And well deservedly...

I also agree with your opinion on Brian: He knows what he can do to stop this! He knows that Justin really only has one request, one thing he wants Brian to do and yet Brian stubbornly refuses. They are both so stubborn and angry and poor Gus got caught in the middle :(

We can only hope that they will both realise that they are doing more harm than good and that things will soon start to move in the right direction.

As always, thanks for your insightful comment and for sharing your thoughts - it's much appreciated!

More will be up tomorrow and I promise, things will start to get better soon! :)

Stay safe!

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