Date: Apr 15, 2022 5:57 pm Title: Chapter 47: Tuesday, December 19th
I asked and you delivered. Great job. Thank you. I like the dynamics of Vic and Brian. Almost something secret. He's like the father Brian deserved.
Justin's healing well. Can't wait for him to be healed, Brian can't either although he's doing great with waiting.
What's up with Michael? Bi-polar much? Is he not happy David? Clinging to Brian, making nice with Justin. I had thought Brian was a better bowler. At least he got his farewell to Jack strike. Love Em so much.
Got to find out what got up Ted's ass with his attitude towards Brian. Off to next Chapter.
Author's Response:
We're thrilled that you liked the way we fulfilled your request, Sherry :)
We agree. Vic is a father figure for Brian (and far, far better than Jack).
Michael doesn't want to let go of Brian. As is typical, Mr. 'I didn't mean it like that' is blowing hot and cold with Justin. Michael wants the old codependent status quo with Brian restored. And to have David too. (I've been rewatching, very slowly, S1, and it makes me sad how dependent on Michael Brian was early in canon. Just... ugh. We're fixing that.)
I had the impression from canon that Brian was a mediocre bowler, at best. It suits our story for him to have a couple minor flaws when it comes to athletic prowess(like not being the best bowler in the family, although I think that honor went to Ben in canon).
If you've made it to and through the most recent chapter, we hope you enjoyed it :) A teaser for the next chapter should be up within in a couple of weeks.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 08, 2022 10:40 am Title: Chapter 47: Tuesday, December 19th
Any progress on finishing this story? It is great and I hate to see so much hard work wasted!
Please, Please finish!!!!!
Author's Response:
It makes us happy that you're still interested in our story :) Thank you for leaving a comment.
We promise we'll never abandon the story, even if the updates are few and far between. We've been working on the next chapter - no set date for posting since we thought we'd have it out before the new year, but soon. There are quite a few chapters still to come, which is hopefully good news.
~ KaBrynn, aka Karynn & Brynn

Date: May 14, 2021 3:19 am Title: Chapter 47: Tuesday, December 19th
The part with Vic, Brian, Gus and Justin is just delightful! The way they interact is a great joy.
Regarding the bowling part, I'm wondering how Debbie can hold the ball with her long nails.
Thank you for this long update :)
Author's Response:
We had a blast writing the breakfast scene and hope we provided Sherry (sophiesmom) with just what she wanted. The four guys and their feathered friend make a great combo :) (Harley says all the credit for that should go to him :D)
Deb claims she's been bowling with those nails for years - and it's never stopped her yet. One has to wonder if there could be a problem in the future though...
Thanks for commenting, Claire! :) We're thrilled you're still reading. A teaser for the next chapter is now up in the FanDoc. Check it out if you haven't yet.
~ KaBrynn, aka Karynn & Brynn
Date: May 09, 2021 11:43 am Title: Chapter 47: Tuesday, December 19th
I recently started and am now all caught up with the story, and I'm loving it!! I am so so happy that Brian and Justin are back together and Justin is back at the loft, where he belongs. I am very much looking forward to seeing how Justin's appt goes to see how he's improving, as well as finding out what new info Carl has about the burglary. Hopefully, he will be able to shed a little light into what really happened.
Author's Response:
Welcome to our story, Sarah! :) We're thrilled to have you and to hear how much you like Tricky Business.
You're lucky to have waited... You didn't have to endure the slow burn before Justin and Brian got back together. They still have a ways to go, but it looks like they're headed in the right direction. (You wouldn't want us to be too definite about that, right? :D)
We're working on the scene at the urologist's now, along with a few other scenes. We're all rooting for the blond to get a clean bill of health!
Carl and Wen report that they are making progress with the burglary and soon may even be able to shed a little light on what happened. Whatever "soon" means in cop-speak...
Thanks for commenting! :) It's much appreciated. There's finally a teaser up in the FanDoc for the next chapter. Take a look if you haven't already.
~ KaBrynn, aka Karynn & Brynn
Date: May 07, 2021 3:47 am Title: Chapter 47: Tuesday, December 19th
Awesome as usual. Love the humor in this story. Looking forward to Justin healing so he and Brian get back to "business". I do want Hobbs to get what is coming to him eventually. I hope that is in the cards.
Author's Response:
We're thrilled you liked this chapter and that you're still reading :)
You're not alone in wanting Justin and Brian to get back to business. It's hard to say which of the boys is more desperate!
Rest assured, we're looking at ways to deal with Hobbs. It may be quite a long time before we get there though.
Thanks for commenting, Karla! :) There's finally a teaser up in the FanDoc. Take a look if you haven't already.
~ KaBrynn, aka Karynn & Brynn

Date: May 05, 2021 9:03 pm Title: Chapter 47: Tuesday, December 19th
I loved this chapter! I don’t like spiders but Spinderella is welcome to visit my home :D
Downloading is so quick and easy now :) Thank you.
Author's Response:
Neither of us is fond of spiders either (understatement), but we'll also make an exception for Spinderella :D
We're thrilled that the ePub download is working now!
Thanks for commenting, Linda :) There's now a teaser in the FanDoc if you haven't seen it yet.
~ KaBrynn, aka Karynn & Brynn

Date: May 01, 2021 1:07 am Title: Chapter 47: Tuesday, December 19th
Great chapter girls! Gus and Harley seem to understand each other more and more it's hilarious. And this breakfast was all you need to start the day right (mine isn't it!) And it makes me so regret that we didn't see more of this Vic in the show.
Watching them at the bowling was fun. They really want to win against the police team but hey there are some who are really bad. Ben and Ted are very cute, they go well together.
I am now waiting for the visit to the urologist and I hope Justin is doing better even though it is still painful.
When will we see Hobbs and the leaders of St James Academy finally punished? What about the theft of the loft? So many questions. I will patiently wait for the next update. Stay safe and healthy Ladies
Author's Response:
We're thrilled that you liked this chapter so much. It may be our most popular installment yet.
Gus and Harley are a blast to write. We suspect they may get each other in trouble in the future :D Who will be to blame?
The bowling scenes were a bit of challenge... We kept getting distracted by that hunk in the neighboring lane, along with everyone else :D We had to be careful that the scores added up correctly. Most of them could use more practice, right? Justin would probably appreciate company when he's practicing with Michael; his WASP upbringing really did the blond no favors :D
We're working on the scene with the urologist now, along with a few others. It will be a while, but we'll push out the next chapter as soon as we can. Justin's already doing better than before his visit to the ER and his encounter with Darth :) We'll just have to hope that the urologist will confirm that he's healing as he should...
We can't give you answers to your questions just yet, although Carl and Wen assure us they are making progress with the loft robbery, and Wen plans to put the 'fear of Wen' into Dr. Perkins again. She's annoyed that he didn't get the message the first time.
You stay safe and healthy too, Marie-France :) Thanks for commenting!
~ KaBrynn, aka Karynn & Brynn

Date: Apr 30, 2021 8:44 am Title: Chapter 47: Tuesday, December 19th
Wow! So glad to see more of this. Love the bowling sequence, wish I knew why the hunk had to leave, there's a story behind that. Love Gus and Harley. Glad someone knows what Gus speak is. Great job.
Author's Response:
We're so pleased that the bowling scene was a success :) It took a few attempts to get all the scoring right.
That hunk of Em's - and everyone else's - may just reappear and inspire some more dreams :D Stay tuned.
We always have fun writing Gus and Harley. Who's most likely to get the other one in trouble? :D
Thanks for commenting, Phyllis! There's a teaser up in the FanDoc if you haven't had a chance to check it out yet.
~ Karynn & Brynn, aka KaBrynn
Date: Apr 30, 2021 1:21 am Title: Chapter 47: Tuesday, December 19th
I loved it and I look forward to the urologist appointment in the next chapter. Loved the use of Brian's love name Ragazzo used by Vic and Debbie
Author's Response:
Thanks, Chris! :) We're made up that you enjoyed this chapter. It seems to have been a hit!
We're working on the urologist appointment right now, along with a few other scenes. In the meantime, there's a teaser up in the FanDoc. We think it's a good one, even if it has nothing to do with the appointment.
Brian deserves a sweet nickname, right? Even if he does occasionally get hit with something less sweet :D
~ Karynn & Brynn, aka KaBrynn

Date: Apr 29, 2021 6:57 pm Title: Chapter 47: Tuesday, December 19th
Glad to see an update. Great writing
Author's Response:
Thanks, Cathy! :) We're thrilled you enjoyed it.
At long last, there's a teaser in the FanDoc! Read slowly; it will need to last you a while :D
~ KaBrynn, aka Karynn & Brynn
Date: Apr 29, 2021 4:49 pm Title: Chapter 47: Tuesday, December 19th
thanks for a great update
Author's Response:
You're welcome :)
~ KaBrynn