Date: Jan 27, 2021 2:57 pm Title: Chapter 3
Hi there! I totally agree with you about some of the republicans. They are really pathetic. Have you heard about the statement by Ted Cruz when Biden returned to the "Pariser Klimaabkommen"? I don't know if it's true, but I read that he twittered that Biden would do just something for the citizens of Paris. Haha, can he really be so stupid?
Yesterday I've finished the "Handmaid's tale" and now have to wait for the fourth season... There was one moment where I had to laugh about myself. It just showed how addicted and crazy I'm about Justin and Brian. There was this scene where Serena and Fred danced and the audience stood there astonished, full of admiration, and me... I was just thinking about prom and thought, you all should have seen Brian and Justin... A thousand times more beautiful, comparing to them, this dance was nothing, no emotions... haha, I can't stand straight filmcouples anymore....
Now, this chapter. First, I have to totally agree with Ethan. It would have been so wrong if he would have accompanied Justin and Gus. It's already such a hard situation, which was also seen when the doctor wanted to examine Brian.
I thought a lot about love these days and how one can classify or judge the love that one feels for different people (or if that's even possible). As you wrote, Justin loved Brian more than life itself, they were together for a long time, they've surely been through so much... and then there's Ethan. They met each other through their grief for a loved one and then fell in love so it doesn't sound like the "love of a life" but more like a community of convenience (it's hard for me to write this in English, I hope you don't misunderstand me). And if Brian hadn't returned, they might still be happy, but now I just can't imagine that Justin can continue to have a carefree happy relationship with Ethan. But it's also very clear to me that it is not that easy and I am curious and really looking forward to see how it will continue and what will happen next. In the "Handmaid's tale" I like Emily very much and I was so glad that she managed to escape. And especially in her case, they also showed in the series that it's not easy to simply continue a relationship after these experiences. And in June's case, too, I thought a lot about what would happen if both her and Nick managed to escape. Could she just be back with Luke like before? Would Nick continue to play a role? So, yeah, that let me think a lot about Justin's situation with Ethan and Brian. You see, you've managed to fascinate me again! Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Haha, yes, I actually read the actual tweet by Ted Cruz about Joe Biden caring more about the people of Paris than the people of Pittsburgh (funny that it was Pittsburgh of all places!)... What an idiot! Someone really didn't understand why the Paris Climate accord is called the Paris Climate accord. I wonder if he thinks that the Kyoto protocol will only help the people of Kyoto... Me and my friends had a good laugh about his lack of obvious intelligence *facepalm* I wonder if he also thinks that Covid 19 is called Covid 19 because there were 18 other Covids before it ...
I am amazed that you actually went and watched Handmaid's Tale and finished it this fast! Wow! But it really is a good show and absolutely scary in how real it feels at times :/
I know exactly what you mean about that dance. Every time I see a prom scene or a romantic dance in a movie somewhere, I am taken back to the Brian/Justin prom dance and the Buffy/Angel prom dance (sorry, I am a huge Buffy fan and that prom scene always gets me...). It's funny that two of my favourite shows ever had very, very important prom dance scenes with older lovers surprisingly showing up at prom ;)
We will find out over the course of this story that Ethan really is not the bad guy here - much like everyone else he's caught in an impossible situation, trying to make the best of it and much like in this scene, he will be the voice of reason again in later chapters...
I get what you're saying about love and how Justin's love for Brian and Ethan might be different. And to a certain extent, I agree. Brian is and always will be the love of Justin's life. He will always be the one! After everything they went through together (we know about the prom and some stuff that is canon, but will find out about other stuff in upcoming chapters!), it's easy to understand why.
Having said that, Justin also loves Ethan. And it's really love. It might not be the same kind of love he felt for Brian, but he loves Ethan and that's something we shouldn't underestimate. They made it through hard times together as well, working through their grief together, supporting each other and starting a relationship, building a life and becoming a famiy with Gus.
I think it's very obvious that Justin loves Brian, even now. And Brian showing up like that in Toronto will have Justin question some very important things about himself, about the life he has now, etc.
Actually, June and Luke were kind of what gave me the inspiration for this story. After Nick came into her life, could she just go back to Luke and continue with him like before they were separated? So much has happened to her, so much between her and Nick and Luke's life in Canada also went on... it was a question that wouldn't leave me, so I turned it into this story and played around with it for a bit ;)
I am sure some people will be surprised by some of the things coming up in this story, but I can assure you, it won't just be a case of Justin saying: Sorry, Ethan, I love you, but you know? Brian's the one, so bye...
And we all know Brian: Would he even allow Justin to kick Ethan to the curb if he knew that Justin and Gus were happy and had built a happy life in his absence?
There are definitely a lot of surprises coming up... And it won't be easy for anyone involved.
I am glad I was able to fascinate you with this premise - that means I've done my job ;)
Thanks for your comment - much appreciated as always! More will be up soon. Stay safe :)

Date: Jan 25, 2021 4:10 pm Title: Chapter 3
One can only wonder at what that exam shows.
Author's Response:
We will get more answers about Brian's condition in upcoming chapters :)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!