Reviews For The Second Chance
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Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 18, 2021 2:19 pm Title: Chapter 2

Hi! Oh dear, your short Christmas visit was really complicated and time-consuming, but at least you got to see your family, even for a short time ...

I think it's good that the impeachment got through (although I was really hoping that a few more Republicans would have come to their senses by now) and I hope he will be convicted. I get so upset about the voices who say you shouldn't do that because it will divide America even more. Trump has deepened this split (which may already have existed) and he is not going to stop and the worst thing would be if he started to run for president again in four years ... It just can't be that he gets away with his behavior

And you know what... I was so curious that I took a look inside this series and I couldn't stop myself from watching it. I'm already into the second season... There would be so much to say about it, but it would be too long... It's very well done and scary, horrible, terrifying, cruel, depressing, disturbing... Especially as a German I know that things like this are really possible and at this very moment when I'm writing this, maybe someone is being tortured somewhere in the world ... One should be grateful every day if you live in normal circumstances ... Me, I'm really not a conspiracy theorist at all, but of course this Covid situation also has a strange aftertaste ... Mask requirement, ban on meeting, curfews... and also with the incidents in Amerika... let‘s just say the series fits my current mood... :-(

While seeing it I often thought that I hope you won‘t describe the torture and what Brian went throught too detailed. I don‘t know, it would be hard to endure. This chapter... wonderful written, I feel so sorry for Gus (although it‘s a good thing his Daddy isn‘t dead) and I‘m glad Justin decided to be honest with him. And although I didn‘t like Ethan in the series, I‘m also glad that he isn‘t a bad guy here and that he understands Justin, his feelings for Brian and the situation. So, Brian and Justin were together for about 8 years? I‘m so curious... Did they get married? Was it even possible? If Ethan fled six years ago, then Gilead existed at least that long. I‘m curious if and how Brian and Justin get back together. I mean, will Justin have second thoughts about it or is it a given... How will Brian react when he finds out about Ethan... Question after question and I just have to be patient! ;-) Warmest regards!

Author's Response:

Haha, yeah. There definitely was a lot of organising involved for this Christmas trip home. But I know it made my mom and grandfather really happy and to be honest, it was nice to see them again after a year of not being home and not being able to hug them in person. And thankfully everyone stayed healthy, nobody got infected, so it all worked out in the end:)

I agree with you on the impeachment: They just can't let him get away with this behaviour. If they do, they're setting a very dangerous precedent for more extremists coming after him. Which is what really pisses me off about the Republican party right now: They're so power hungry that they only care about their own positions of power, but don't give a shit about the country, its people and the constitution they always claim to defend. They are just a bunch of hypocrites out for their own gain... People like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, etc should be punished right along with Trump... 

Saying now that an impeachment will only divide the country further and that Democrats should just "move on" and forget about it... WTF? Can you see them do the same if the situation were reversed? Just remember how they all acted when it came to the BLM protests last summer... And those were mostly peaceful! Back then it was okay to arrest people and cart them away in unmarked vans, to have police use tear gas and rubber bullets on peaceful protestors just so Trump could take a picture with a bible in front of a church, but when it's white people storming the capitol, those are patriots and peaceful protestors that need to be forgiven... God, they make me so fucking angry, I have no words... 

Yes, the Handmaid's Tale is a very scary show. Especially the flashbacks to how Gilead started, how they got into power reminded me so much of what's going on in the world right now. It also reminded me of 1930's Germany and once again showed that we have learned absolutely NOTHING from our history :( What made the show so scary for me was that it all seemed so realistic and while I was watching it, I had no trouble imagining people like that getting into power again. I mean, just look at some of those people in the US Senate/Congress, at Höcke and friends, etc... :( 

And like you said: It made me very grateful that I am living in a state (and really, I am considering both Germany and Ireland here) where freedom of speech is valued, where different opinions are accepted and appreciated, where we have real democracies. Just look at Nawalny and Russia right now... scary stuff :( All those AFD morons going on about censorship and dictatorship by Angela Merkel? They obviously don't know what real censorship or dictatorship looks like. If they were right, they wouldn't be able to voice their opinions so openly, but would have been in prison a long time ago... :/ 


Okay, enough ranting, back to the story: We will find out what Brian went through and what happened to him, but I tried not to make it as graphic as it was in "No Matter What" for example... I tried to make what he went through a part of the story, but not an essential part. This story will be more about moving on, finding a new balance for everyone involved, etc.

Yes, Brian and Justin were together for a long time and much of it was already under the rule of Gilead. No, they weren't married, which will make sense once we find out more about the rise of Gilead in this story. I will explain at what point Gilead rose in the Brian/Justin timeline and how it happened, how they reacted to it and how it changed their life in Pittsburgh and affected everyone in their Liberty Avenue family. We will get answers to all of that, I promise!

As for Brian and Justin getting back together... well, you know me: I am a Brian/Justin girl and love my happy endings, so that's a given, but... the way there... might not be as smooth and easy as some want it to be/are expecting it to be. We shouldn't underestimate that Justin moved on, thinking that Brian was dead and has pretty much built a life with Ethan and Gus at this point. Will he just give up that life for Brian? Would Brian even want him to once he finds out the truth about Ethan? Hmmm...

So much that will happen in upcoming chapters :)

Thanks for your comment - it's much appreciated as always! More will be up tomorrow :) 

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 17, 2021 11:22 pm Title: Chapter 2

It was not a good idea to put off telling Gus it seems.

Author's Response:

This will be hard for everyone, Gus included :( Hopefully, they will all make it through whatever comes next!

Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :) 

Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 17, 2021 9:46 pm Title: Chapter 2

I can't imagine how that would be. Looking forward to more.

Author's Response:

It won't be easy, I can promise you that :(

Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon! :) 

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