Date: Mar 23, 2021 11:03 am Title: Chapter 46: Monday, December 18th
My name made the story!! My name made the story!! No, I am not a motorcyclist, I've only been on a bike once in my life hahaha I know, weird for a lesbian. God, I'm such a child lol Thank you guys so much, I am humbly honored & blessed.... ;* ;*
Love the Kinnitek bunch at the loft, so funny! Omg remember her name for the love of God Ted!
Halleujah! Partners finally! Let's all sing together....Halleujah!!! The boys are so cute!!!
I've really missed you guys, I've been kinda MIA lately.
Author's Response:
:D :D Your enthusiastic review has me (Karynn) smiling, Glo. Brynn and I are thrilled that you liked the nod... even if you have only been on a motorbike once :D
Who will learn Bethany's name first - Ted or Brian? It may be a toss-up, although Brian's less likely to use it, despite the oh-so-helpful Beethoven reference. Ted had better not call her Gerthany again, or Bethany may come back with something even worse for him. Watch out, Theodore!
Hmm, all our readers seem to be made up about the boys being partners... Why would that be? :P
We've missed you too, Glo. Apologies for the belated reply - I just realized that with KD's switch to the new hosting service, I'm no longer receiving notifications of reviews :(
~ Karynn & Brynn
PS A shameless plug for my latest fic, Lover's Spit. You can find it here: Warning: It may give you ice cream cravings :D

Date: Mar 22, 2021 5:31 pm Title: Chapter 46: Monday, December 18th
The hearts didn’t show up rght :( so I’m redoing my review.
Thank you, thank you for letting me know downloading from here works again! I just tried and it worked perfectly. It’s even faster than AO3!
I just love this story and am so excited that there will be a new chapter “soonish†:)
Author's Response:
Yay, success! I'm (Karynn) so glad the download function is working again. Thanks for commenting, Linda :) We'll keep working to get that next chapter ready - the hearts are very motivational :)
~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)
Date: Dec 29, 2020 12:02 am Title: Chapter 46: Monday, December 18th
Great Christmas gift.
Author's Response:
You're welcome :) We're thrilled you enjoyed the latest installment :)
Happy 2021!
~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)

Date: Dec 24, 2020 9:50 am Title: Chapter 46: Monday, December 18th
Another excellent chapter Ladies! Bethany (or Gertrude or Trudy) is a very good match for the team, she will know how to defend herself!
The shopping with Debbie Justin and Emmett were quite a show, thank you.
Gus is a smart little guy and the only one who talks to Harley. And so Michael is a cheater and you can't trust him, I had no doubts but Theodore let it slip away.
So I'm looking forward to what Carl will announce to Brian and hope Brian tells him about Justin's POA. It's a busy day!
Have a good holiday too and see you next year!
Author's Response:
We're thrilled you enjoyed this latest installment, Marie-france :) You were one of only two readers (as far as we know) who carved out time to read before Christmas.
Are you familiar with Costco? There's all of one in France so, if not, we hope we provided a good introduction to the warehouse store. Close to a major holiday (US Thanksgiving or Christmas) is not the best time for a visit, especially in a big city. Emmett and Debbie added their own flair to the shopping experience, of course :D
As Phyllis (YumYumPM) noted in her review on AO3, Gus speaks budgie :D He is a very bright little nipper.
Happy New Year!
~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)