Date: Jun 12, 2021 11:22 am Title: Chapter 25
did read it again
Date: Nov 05, 2020 9:54 pm Title: Chapter 25
Thank you so much for this wonderful story. It
was just wonderful.
Since we are here. I told you on my last feedback
about my own experiences on ice. In time I did stop staking on my ankles, as I purchased a pair of
ankle braces and that did the trick. (Just in case
someone else is interested.)
Of course your description of Justin skating was
most enjoyable to me. As I read it, I sat on the
edge of my chair hoping that Justin wouldn’t fall.
Well, happily he didn’t. From my point of view,
Justin winning the Olympic was wonderful, but
the Brian/Justin relationship was already sealed.
Thanks again,
Author's Response:
You are welcome. I'm so glad you enjoyed this story. It was different; in fact, I'm not sure I've ever read this premise before, but as a devout lover of figure skating I just had to write it.
There had probably never been a doubt that Justin would win the Olympics, but I wanted it to be as realistic as it could be, and some obstacles along the way. I am sure that Brian and Justin are heading to a full and happy life together - as it should be. :)
Thank you for reading and commenting. Again, I'm so glad you enjoyed this story...

Date: Nov 04, 2020 1:08 pm Title: Chapter 25
Ah, shucks. No Jennifer/Craig standoff. Oh well, that way we can imagine it the way we want.
When Brian told Justin that when he fucked him, he want the gold metal hanging around his neck - my mind flashed to canon, and the cross dangling and swinging from Father Tom's. LOL... Classic.
Quad Axel... (lots of trampoline practice to accomplish that) But good for Justin. Although it seems there were some biased judges. 5.5 ... 5.7.
So it appears Justin is thinking of retiring, I have to wonder at his age just how he'll fill the time. Probably college. Not that any of this matters - my mind's just wandering and rambling.
Thanks for this truly good story.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Yeah, I guess I left the Craig/Jennifer showdown to the imagination, and I can definitely visualize how that went down. Haha.
I think Justin's dream was to compete and win the Olympics. He did that, so he probably won't want to go through all of that again. And, I think he'll have other adventures to monopolize him now. Perhaps a career, of course, life with Brian will keep him busy too - LOL.
I'm glad you enjoyed the story...especially the second time around. I loved my time in this particular 'verse.
Thanks for your comments.

Date: Nov 02, 2020 1:08 pm Title: Chapter 25
I really enjoyed this. A different approach that was refreshing in havi;g them both Olympic Skaters. Brian taking over Justin’s training. Of course he would go fir perfection. The mistake at the final chapter was perfect. Dropping back to Brian dealing with Craig. That man deserves whatever happens to him in my book. Kudos!
Author's Response:
I'm glad you liked it. This really was a different kind of story. In fact, I'm not sure I ever read another story with either of them being professional skaters, so it was fun.
Thanks for reading and commenting. ;)