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Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 02, 2025 6:55 am Title: Chapter 22

Ahh... The End... how sad. Other than the first chapter, and the horrible things Brian said to Justin, I really liked Brian in this story. He promised Justin he'd help him get through this, and he stuck with him until the end. It seemed like the Brian who came back from NY, was a different, more mature Brian. Because before Justin re-entered his life, we didn't see him reverting to the person he was before he left Pittsbirgh. Now they're both mature, and they can start a mature adult relationship.

I'm proud of the changes Justin made and his career choices. That was how I felt about Blake in the series. Justin knows all the horrors that path can lead, and the terrible things that come with it. I can understand being a drug addict and chosing not to drink alcohol, as getting slighly drunk could lower his inhibitions, making the drugs sound like a good idea.

One of the other places I felt Brian was in the wrong, was when he badgered Justin about saying 'I hate you!' That was during the worst pain Justin ever had. Brian should have realized Justin was just lashing out. Kind of like a woman during her hard labor. :D

Overall, this was a really awesome story. I also see there are new stories in your Back to Good series. Those I definitely have to hit! I'm excited. Are you still writing?

Hugs ~Cathy

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2021 1:23 am Title: Chapter 22

I alway enjoy a good hurt/comfort story. Adding this one to my favorites! TAG

Author's Response:

I am glad that you liked this one!

Thanks for letting me know :) 

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 04, 2020 7:51 pm Title: Chapter 22

The best ending one could ask for.

Author's Response:

I am glad that you liked it :)

Thanks for your comments - much appreciated! 

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 31, 2020 7:27 am Title: Chapter 22

Hi again! Great last chapter! I was a little sad that our journey with both of them is now over, but that was already indicated in the previous chapter. Great story, amazing writing-style as always and yes, Brian was maybe a bit ooc (as you mentioned at the beginning) a bit too tame maybe, but I love the fact that you mostly let him go in this direction, let him mature, because I would find it not only unrealistic but also very sad and pathetic if he didn't take off this Stud of Liberty-image at some point.

Thanks again for publishing a completed story regularly! Oh, and a new story for the "Back for Good-universe"? I was so happy and excited when I read this! So, I'm looking forward to it!

From Monday on, there is also a partly lockdown here in Germany. For me, nothing is changing so much because of my work in a hospital. So, stay safe and healthy and hope to read from you soon! Warmest regards!


Author's Response:

Yeah, it was time to end this particular story for these two... 

I don't know what it is, but I just don't really find stud-Brian all that appealing. Even when rewatching the show, I mostly think to myself: What an asshole!

I know many people like Brian in the first season exactly for that reason, but I don't... I much prefer the "tamer", more grown up Brian from later seasons. The Brian that starts to be more open about his feelings and honest with himself when it comes to Justin. I guess I don't really fit in with a lot of Queer as Folk fans because of that, but I don't know... stud-Brian really just doesn't do anything for me...Which is why in most of my stories I'll have him ooc or they are post season 5 stories, where it can be justified to describe him as changed and more grown up ;) So yeah, it'll always be "tame" Brian for me... I am sure many people would prefer stud-Brian, but well... my stories, my Brian :P 

All of my stories are finished before I start posting them - I hate nothing more than a WIP that doesn't get updated anymore or where you have to wait weeks and weeks for another update. So yeah, with every story I start posting, there'll always be a chapter a week - that's a promise I can make and will definitely keep :) 

Yep, I felt like it was time to return to the Back for Good universe - after all we're all still waiting for that wedding to happen, aren't we? And we have to meet Miss Victoria Rose Kinney-Taylor ;) 

Yes, I heard about the new lockdown in the media and from my family. Ireland has been in a new lockdown for a week and a half now. We were the first country to go back into a 2nd lockdown in Europe and will be in lockdown until December 1st. I am really hoping that numbers will have gone down enough by December to go home for Christmas. I haven't been able to go home at all in 2020 and that's the only thing that's really bothering me about this whole pandemic. I really miss my family and friends in Germany :( 

As for the lockdown itself, I have been working from home since March and am more than used to it by now. I honestly don't mind it and love the extra time working from home gives me. I save 1 1/2 every day as I don't have to commute to the office anymore, so I have a lot of extra time for things I like. Of course it's sad that I can't meet my friends as regularly anymore as before, but as I have lot's of hobbies, I am also good with being at home on my own, you know?

And this whole pandemic has definitely been good for my writing ;) I have already finished two 30+ chapter stories since March... more free time means more time for writing ;) 

Stay safe during these crazy times :) 

Reviewer: mamab Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 28, 2020 3:54 am Title: Chapter 22

Sorry I didn't stop and review each chapter, but once I was able to start reading, I didn't stop. Absolutely wonderful story.  Of course, I had to keep the tissue box next to me.  Your writing is amazing.  FANTASTIC STORY, FANTASTIC WRITING. It is beyond a 10

Author's Response:

Haha, no worries! You are forgiven ;) 

I am glad that you enjoyed the story and your comment is much appreciated :)

I am really at a loss for word with such wonderful feedback - thanks so much!!!

Reviewer: purpledee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 28, 2020 12:28 am Title: Chapter 22

Realy enjoyed this story.  But very much looking forward to a continuation of the 'back for good' verse.


Deb L.

Author's Response:

I am glad you liked this story! :)

Thanks for your comments and for letting me know - it's much appreciated!

Yep, we'll be back for a big celebration in the Back for good universe... I think we've all waited long enough for this moment to come. And of course there is a little daughter that we have to meet ;) 

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