Date: Oct 18, 2020 6:25 am Title: Chapter 20
Just so you know, I KNEW the coach was going to come clean, but I was trying to review like I wasn't aware of his coming clean and letting Brian know about Craig. So yes, he turned out to be a fine, upstanding individual. He loves his child, and I'm sure he couldn't figure out how a father could be so despicable.
Grr... Melanie at her finest - again. All I can say is - yay for Brian hearing both her and Lindsay's comments. Lindsay may be a true friend to Brian in this story, but the man was in her home - could easily overhear what she said - which he did - but she said it anyway. She could have reworded it slighly and taken some of the bite out of it.
Mr. Kinney might have to leave the boy ALONE so he can get feeling well enough to begin rehearsing... *cough*
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
That probably is difficult to review knowing the plot and what is going to happen, and not slip it out in a comment. That's very good of you not to give a spoiler if there is anyone reading this for the first time.
Whether friend or foe, the girls stay consistent in their catty ways. I definitely wanted Brian to hear that, and of course, hear his 'skater boy's' response. I think his pride in him only continues to grow.
More coming as quickly as I can manage. Thanks for your comments, Cathy. :)