Date: Feb 01, 2025 2:56 pm Title: Chapter 19
Ooooh, close call! Thank heavens for small favors!
Hugs ~Cathy
Date: Oct 10, 2020 5:51 am Title: Chapter 19
Hi! Yeah, Berlin has as Germany in total rising numbers, but I think there are rising numbers everywhere, aren't there? But maybe we all could get the same treatment as Trump soon, wouldn't that be great... haha, what a joke this man is...
The story which I'm reading is a very long one and there is a very slowly development. First just between Craig and Justin. Then there is this scene in a parking lot. Brian gets attacked, Craig happens to come by at this moment and he helps Brian. After this they aren't suddenly best friends - that would have been unbelievable, but there is a development between them. So, yeah, I really liked this.
So, but now, your story... Beautiful, but also sad and heartbreaking chapter. For a short moment I also feared that Justin would've relapsed ... And as I said in my previous review, I totally agree with you (and with Brian), it would be too early for them to be together again, the imbalance between them is too big. Justin must first find himself again, love and accept himself, but hey, he's lucky, the man he loves so deeply loves him too. Could be worse. So, it's just time ... :-)
And by the way, it's good to see that Michael really acts as a best friend!
Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Yeah, we (as in Dublin, Ireland) have had rising numbers for weeks now as well and are officially considered a "Risikogebiet" by the RKI and Auswärtige Amt as well... My family lives in a very rural area of Lower Saxony on the Dutch border and they usually had 2-3 new cases in a week in their whole county and now they have just crossed the line and have become a "Risikogebiet" with 56 infections in 100.000 people in one week. They had one outbreak in a factory. That's how fast it can go :( But hey, like you pointed out, the orange clown in the White House is fine, so we will all be as well, right? We just need a 24 hour medical team at our side, experimental treatments... It's nothing to be afraid of!
I have to admit that this was one of my favourite chapters in this story. Just because it was so emotional and showed so much about who Brian and Justin are as people right now. How much Brian has grown in recent years, months, weeks and how much Justin is still impacted by his addiction...
As you said, Justin needs to find himself first, needs to get his own life back again before he can even start to think about entering a relationship with Brian and the fact that Brian knows this and openly talks about it, shows how far he has come as well. He loves Justin and he will wait for him to be ready and will continue to support him along the way which is the best for Justin at this moment in time :)
As you said: It's just time... And we can only hope that with time they will figure this out and will make it work :)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)
Date: Oct 05, 2020 8:53 am Title: Chapter 19
Brian's growing up finally... TAG
Author's Response:
And wasn't it about time? ;)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!

Date: Oct 05, 2020 1:05 am Title: Chapter 19
Nice to know that Brian finally got things straight with Justin.
Author's Response:
Hopefully they will now be able to make it work :)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!
Date: Oct 04, 2020 11:34 pm Title: Chapter 19
Whew that was close but yes Brian is right they do need to work on their issues before they start a relationship
Author's Response:
We can only hope that with time they will figure it out and make it work :)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!