Date: Oct 02, 2020 9:12 am Title: Chapter 16
Thanks for update
Author's Response:
Your welcome. More to come soon. :)

Date: Oct 01, 2020 8:19 pm Title: Chapter 16
First, I found this extremely funny: No E tablets, no alcohol, or drugs of any kind. I mean, I understand his reasoning - but good gosh - the world must be coming to an end! Brian Kinney at Babylon with no inhibitors! LOL...
With the way Brian claimed and possessed Justin upon his arrival, it was probably a very clear message to everyne in the club: HAND'S OFF - MINE! God help the one who thinks to move in on his territory.
I ALMOST hope Brian has to go home alone tonight... LOL.. (Does that make me evil?)
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Brian's lack of chemical enhancements should be enough to tell him that Justin is different in so many ways. Whether he admits it or not, I think he's already ascertained that!
I would definitely pity anyone that tried to steal his precious prize away from him - LOL.
I guess we'll see if Brian goes home...but this story only has 25 chapters and we have the Olympic games, things will progress steadily now.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy. Hopefully I can get more posted later.