Date: Sep 28, 2020 11:44 pm Title: Chapter 15
Whoops! I forgot something in my review:
Ethan: Maybe you just need a man who will take charge of you.
Justin: When I find one I'll be sure to let you know! Oh that's right... Brian will be more than man enough!
I really, really detest Ethan...
Author's Response:
Haha yes, I think Justin spoke of Brian more than it was wise to with Ethan. Brian was really a sore point for the pathetic loser. I can't imagine why!? LOL
We are on the same page. I detest Ethan as well, and can never find anything redeemable about him. Can you actually believe I have seen where some people actually ship Justin and Ethan. YUCK. Makes me ill!
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Date: Sep 28, 2020 11:38 pm Title: Chapter 15
All's well that ends well... Although I could seriously scream that Brian didn't reach out and grab one of Ethan's fingers, squeeze it, and bend it back a little... thus making it too tender to use it to adequately hold his bow. (... evil person that I am!)
Even if Brian and Daphne wouldn't have gotten in the door, I have no doubt that Justin's strong skater legs would have gotten the better of Ethan.
I do kind of find it strange that Brian would make advances on Justin, practically bruising his lips in a heated kiss... My god - the kid didn't even have time to get over from just about getting raped! Ever hear of holding the victim, Mr. Kinney? LOL...
Hugs, Cathy
Author's Response:
I think Brian decided that Justin was emotionally okay with what had happened. I'm not sure Justin really felt scared, he really seemed more pissed than anything else. I do think Justin would have found the right moment to totally incapacite the disgusting rodent. He just needed the right moment. But yeah, a hug would have been nice. Sometimes Brian needs to back down from hunter mode - LOL.