Date: Sep 24, 2020 5:04 pm Title: Chapter 10
O-kay! Craig Taylor is one sick mother! I don't care how much you might disapprove of some choices your child has made, you do not - DO NOT - do something to put them in harm's way. And just what does this say for the character of the coach? He should have gone either to Jennifer or the authorities. I also think whoever allowed Craig to have Justin's peformance time moved up, should be brought into question too. Just who is Craig Taylor that they caved to his whims and whines?
I think Brian handled the situation with aplomb. He managed to stay fairly undetached. He did let a little concern show, but that's normal. But I think he should have put Justin down and socked that guy and camera crew across the ice. (Not really.) But God, they were pathetic. Nothing like: The Show Must Go On!
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
No real parent could ever do something like THAT! In all of my stories, I have only been kind to Craig maybe once or twice - LOL. Apparently, Craig does have some friends in the 'right' places. How much is that costing him, and is it money he should be using elsewhere? So many questions...
Brian did stay professional; although, I doubt he cared about that, except for not wanting anything to guess about his involvement with Justin while he was judging the competition. Brian Kinney does give a shit. Haha.
Date: Sep 22, 2020 7:53 pm Title: Chapter 10
Darn Craig and the darn couch
Author's Response:
Yep. They both did a bad thing. We'll see what happens. Thanks for commenting.