Reviews For A Father's Hate!
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Reviewer: mamab Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 04, 2020 3:34 am Title: Chapter 14

Wonderful story. Sorry it took me a little longer than necessary to read. RL has a way of getting its time in.  Fantastic writing.  

Reviewer: Peggy Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2020 10:12 pm Title: Chapter 14

Nicely done.

Author's Response:

Glad you enjoyed it.  There will be a sequel eventually.

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 24, 2020 6:17 am Title: Chapter 14

Lovely ending. Thanks for writing. TAG

Author's Response:

Thanks!  A Mother's Hate will come out after I finish my other series.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2020 10:08 pm Title: Chapter 14

I'm so glad they got a second opinion.  I liked the new doctor.  You did very well with the courtroom scenes and made good decisions.  I'm worried the Craig might try to take Aaron away from Brian and Justin.

Author's Response:

The next in the series will be A Mother's Hate with Joan in the starring role.  Not sure how many I will have in  this series.


Reviewer: werkarniggel Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2020 1:30 pm Title: Chapter 14

Danke, Danke, Danke. 

Author's Response:

Later this fall the second one of the series will come out.  It will be A Mother's Hate.  It will focus on Brian and his mother.

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2020 11:30 am Title: Chapter 14

thanks for update

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