Reviews For Tempted
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Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2020 11:55 am Title: Chapter 10

Good ending. I know you commented earlier that you could have probably explored this more, but I think it was perfect the way it was... unless you were to delve into what befell Stockwell. (Unfortunately, I thought the bastard was killed.) But to do that, it would have taken on a new story. I'll just assume there was enough evidence, the guy was locked up, and all the boys in there had fun with the cop.

It hit me funny when Carl was called 'sergeant'... I guess he was earlier, but it didn't register... but if he's Brian's superior, it makes sense. That and the fact they lived in NY. It must have been from all those middle of the night readings that it didn't stick. Oh well...

It would have been fun if when Brian was threatening Craig, if he'd also have told him that he should bring him in on charges for abandoning his son... that might have made Craig think twice. Although the threat of killing him was a nice touch. Brian's a cop... he just might know how to dispose of a body undetected.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

I'm glad you liked it. Yes, I definitely think this could have been explored more deeply, but at the time, I just didn't have the time. I think I had toyed with revisiting them down the road and see what they're doing, but it's them, so I think we know what they were probably doing - LOL. 

I imagine Stockwell having a really rough time in prison. That loss of power would be pure torture for him. And, I definitely enjoyed writing the Craig/Brian confrontation. That is something I don't read a lot in fiction, and it's something I really enjoy to see. I have had Brian tear into Craig more than a few times, and it never gets old!

Thanks for commenting, Cathy. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. :) 

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