Reviews For Tricky Business
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Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 24, 2020 5:50 am Title: Chapter 45: Sunday, December 17th - Part 2

Thanks for update.  love it

Author's Response:

You're welcome. :) We're thrilled you enjoyed the chapter.

~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)

Reviewer: Glo Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 20, 2020 5:45 pm Title: Chapter 45: Sunday, December 17th - Part 2

Caregiver & protector Brian are always my favorite! Love it so much! Finally, Justin is taking steps to really help himself and let himself accept help from others. I could just see him in Brian's coat, all snuggly & warm. 

Now, I may be getting old but what was Justin painting on Brian's back, just for clarification? 

Jeez Emmett, I wish I had orgy buddies! I could use a good orgy right about now! Any takers?? I truly wonder how one goes about finding a lesbian orgy....hmmmm. Okay, enough about my lack of sex life....

Fabulous chapter ladies! I've missed reading QAF fanfic.

Author's Response:

We're made up that you like our protective Brian. :) Mind you, we like protective Justin just as much. There may be more of Justin snuggled into Brian's coat... never too much, right? ;)

Because Justin was stymied regarding a logo for Kinnetik - based on the letter K - Brian suggested that Justin draw a B on his back. Then he decided that a J should be added. What Justin did was paint representations of Brian and himself as the letters B and J. Brian (as the letter B) is standing behind Justin (the letter J), with his arms around Justin. The J is reversed, with the hook (the bottom of the J) facing away from Brian. Justin took it a step further, merging their arms, so that the blood from one is flowing into the other (and vice versa) - blue for Justin and red for Brian. You do have to use a bit (just a bit :D) of imagination, but hopefully that helps you picture it).

Sadly, those orgy buddies seem to be in short supply, except for Emmett. Brian and Justin as well as Ted and Ben could unquestionably get takers too, but they're all a bit preoccupied with their partners right now.

It took us a bit, but in case you missed the announcement, there's a teaser for the next chapter up in the FanDoc. We're working on the next installment, but it will be a bit before it's ready.

Thanks for the wonderful comments, Glo. :)

~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)

Reviewer: liindaa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 21, 2020 3:16 am Title: Chapter 45: Sunday, December 17th - Part 2


One heart for every 5000 words 🙂 I thought about one for every 1000 but I’d lose track 🤔😂

Author's Response:

Hearts are gladly accepted and returned ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ however many you want to leave. :)

~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 15, 2020 9:09 pm Title: Chapter 45: Sunday, December 17th - Part 2

Okay... since I can't stomach another chapter of Michael's mouth, I'm leaving a totally different review...

I just had a few questions answered by our local Sheriff, Darren... our FB page is burning up... someone in the early morning hours made a B&E at our liquor store, so they're keeping everybody informed...

The cameras caught everything - they're trying to locate the guy... ANYWAY:

Brian's loft... there should have been cameras outside in that area, that would have at least seen the semi used in the robbery, and how many people. Or, why wouldn't there have been cameras INSIDE the building? One at the front door? Even in our little 1,000 people town, our building has them. And if the police got signed affidavits from the other people who reside in the apt. that they did not let anyone in, there's the matter of the front door of the building was opened with a key. So who all has keys?  Why hasn't this been questioned?  Why hasn't Brian thought of this stuff?

And HOW on the edge of Liberty Avenue in the middle of the day, did NOBODY see that much furniture being moved out and question it? And I'd think there would have to have been at least four people.

Well, I can't wait for the big reveal... but it'll probably be so ring of thieves...


Author's Response:

There's loads more to the chapter - and the story - than Michael's mouth, so we hope you found bits to enjoy.

Keep in mind that Brian's apartment building is not a place of business, so there might not be cameras on the outside. Also, we're still in the year 2000, so what might be more common in 2020, wouldn't necessarily have been so back then.

Brian doesn't live right on Liberty Avenue. He's a few blocks away in a more residential area. There may be good reason that no one thought twice about the furniture being taken from the loft...

We can't answer all your questions about the robbery because that would give too much away. Nice try, though. :D :D Trust us, Detectives Horvath and Wen are on the job.

It'll be a while yet till the big reveal about the robbery; the detectives have reminded us that investigations take time.

Thanks for leaving a comment, Cathy. :) You know you're one of our favorite readers. :)

~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 15, 2020 12:41 pm Title: Chapter 45: Sunday, December 17th - Part 2

So much interesting information.  An enjoyable chapter with appearances of Horvath, Wen and Gus.

Author's Response:

Thank you, Phyllis. :) We're glad you enjoyed this chapter. :)

~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)

Reviewer: marie-france Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 15, 2020 10:09 am Title: Chapter 45: Sunday, December 17th - Part 2

Justin is slowly healing and Debbie and Vic will help him! and he will focus on his studies and working with Brian I laughed imagining Brian's face when he left alone. I love Ted in your story and Emmett is still a good friend to Justin. The girls are just useless and Lindsay is a real bitch. Hope Wen goes to Hobbs and the Head of St James Academy to understand how horrible their behavior is. I look forward to this. Thanks girls again a great update! You made over 51,000 words strong wow Congratulations !! It was a good read. See you soon!

Author's Response:

Poor Brian. Our readers dare to laugh at him! Don't tell him, but the writers do too. :D :D

We're glad you like our Ted. Under different circumstances, we think Ted and Brian's friendship would have developed a lot sooner.

Is there anyone who doesn't want Wen to boot Jerkins, Dixon, and Hobbs out of St. James? Rest assured, she and Horvath are working on it!

We didn't actually have 50,000+ words as a goal for the chapter. Who would be that insane? :D That's the same as the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) goal. Not that we came close to writing that much in just one month...

Thanks for the wonderful comments, Marie-france. :) The teaser for the next chapter is up in the FanDoc, and we're working on the next installment. We'll do our best to get an update out before the end of the year.

~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2020 9:38 pm Title: Chapter 45: Sunday, December 17th - Part 2

Thanks for update.  Lindsey a bitch as always, nver liked her

Author's Response:

Thanks for leaving a comment. :) When Lindsay gets nervous or uptight, she becomes more self-righteous than usual.

~ KaBrynn

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