Date: Sep 13, 2020 10:52 am Title: Chapter 5
Thank heavens Brian DID realize what Justin could be compromising, and didn't push. The fact that he gave Justin a guest pass to Babylon, well.. if he antipates to do anything then... I just have to say Justin has the right idea... He couldn't skate properly if he did that.
I just had a feeling Melanie would throw a barb in there about Brian missing, and wondering where he was. I always get a kick out of her putting his sexual exploits down... I have to wonder how the bike riding, centerfold was not many years prior.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
One wonders if Brian would have come to the realization if Justin hadn't prompted him to back off, at least for now. Brian's immediate mindset wasn't on what was best for Justin until Justin said something. To Brian's credit, he did accept that this wasn't their moment, and still lay the ground work for a day when it would be.
Sometimes I wonder if Melanie is so catty about Brian's exploits is because she sees similarities between herself and Brian. I don't think she hates him as much as she lets on. Out of the two, I tolerated her much better on the show than I ever did Lindsay. Now Lindsay I couldn't tolerate at all!