Date: Sep 12, 2020 12:07 pm Title: Chapter 7
Thanks for updated love them
Author's Response:
Glad to hear it. Thanks for commenting!

Date: Sep 12, 2020 7:45 am Title: Chapter 7
So... Justin WASN'T naked under his robe: t-shirt and snug black briefs. (HA! At least he didn't have on boxers!) I'm sure they would be MUCH more comfy for sleeping. But... he just HAPPENED to have on SNUG black briefs.
Someone is always going to be trying to kill me. So, you better get to it while the going is safe! LOL.
No one would ever think of looking for me here. Uh-huh... think again, and keep telling yourself that. If you're wanted bad enough, they will look EVERYWHERE! But they also need to remember there are eyes and ears - EVERYWHERE!
Well, Brian better NOT plan an all-nighter. It would NOT be good for the Abbot to catch Justin descending from Brian's and returning to his own rooms in the morning.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
That is very true. The people Brian is dealing with do have eyes and ears everywhere. Nowhere is safe until the would-be assassin is caught.
Yeah, an all-nighter probably wouldn't be wise, but we know Brian would probably want that. LOL.
There are only 3 more chapters remaining so things should move very quickly now.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.