Date: Sep 10, 2020 5:13 pm Title: Chapter 6
Nice chapter! But the only right way to review this, is my feelings while reading it, since Father Brian DID confess at the end...
First, I was surprised it was Carl who made sure Brian was well supplied... Nice friend!
I think Justin will find his thoughts of not letting his body react to Brian very unwarranted, and I find myself wondering if they wear clothes under their robes. (I don't know where I ever got the impression that nuns and monks don't.)
That stuff with Justin jacking off in the showers, and Brian saying he had a similar experience... Well, if we're sticking to canon here: Being fourteen and sucking off your gym teacher is a world of difference to jacking off in the shower at seventeen!
Actually, it was kind of mean for Brian to make him admit that stuff, and in turn, make Justn think he would disgust a 'Man of God', and having saying: You are a respected priest...
Well, at least Brian came clean about not being a priest. So, rest assured Justin, you have not corrupted a man of the cloth. Although, if his power of seduction was that great and irresistible, well, that's a powerful image.
I really liked this: a sudden movement that almost made Brian fall from the couch, - it would have served the sucker right if that had happened. And I hope he would have felll hard! He would have deserved it for what he put the kid through.
So, all-in-all, my thoughts whle reading this held no bearing in the end, but those were my rants before Brian came clean... Thank you for that, at least.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Carl does seem to think of everything! LOL.
Justin is very naive in this story. It's amazing with all that life has thrown him, but I think he will mature quickly with Brian as his guide - and, in more ways than one!
Brian was being overly predatory and perhaps a bit callous putting Justin through that. Hunter Brian can sometimes go too far, but he usually gets it right when he needs to.
I doubt Carl would be thrilled about Brian revealing his identity, but I'm sure everything will work out.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.