Date: Sep 10, 2020 5:25 pm Title: Chapter 2
I saw your response... Cutting Edge was an Olympic skating competion movie from 1992, with cutey D.B Sweeney. This bitchy gal kept going through partners until they were scraping the bottom of the barrel... Enter Sweeney, a pro hockey player forced to quit because of a hit to the eye...
So hockey skates don't have a toe pick... so she zooms ahead, forcing him to try and stop... he ends up going flying into the ice... she skates ahead... stopping and turning to look at him, saying: toe pick!
Ah, I found the link for that part:
A cute movie...
Author's Response:
It definitely sounds familiar but I know I never saw it. There were a lot of good movies in the 90's.

Date: Sep 10, 2020 5:23 am Title: Chapter 2
Lindsay seems a little pushy. I thinks she needs to quit ragging on Brian. And so very bizarre behavior for her to be championing Brian in the 'love' department. Miss-don't-expect-too-much-from-Brian. Certainly a different take on her.
And then Justin came face to face with his idol. Forcefully crashed into from an oncoming force dashing blindly from around the corner. That sounds like Cutting Edge. One of my faves. I swear I saw the movie ten times within three months of it coming out... 'toe pick'! (Hmm, there's an idea for Brian and Justin. Talk about sexual tension!)
But all in all, it's going to prove to be the best place Brian could be... even with his: Knock 'em dead, Tiger. Yeah, he's already enamored. (That's if Brian Kinney can be enamored.)
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Yes, Lindsay is a bit pushy, but for once, she does seem to have her heart in the right place. I think she just doesn't want Brian to do 'Brian things' and ruin Justin's chance. I know it's difficult to see her as being okay, especially in one of my stories, but I think this is one of the few that I've written that she isn't portrayed as a total bitch. LOL. At least, stories where she has a significant role. For this story, certainly a different take on her.
I don't think I've ever seen 'Cutting Edge' so I didn't get the idea there. I guess I fell into that line in that particular scene. I wanted it to be memorable for both of them, and a meeting like no other.
Enamored already? Who knows? Even if he was, Brian would never admit it! Haha.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.
Date: Sep 08, 2020 11:31 am Title: Chapter 2
great start
Author's Response:
I'm glad you like it. Much more to come.