Date: Sep 08, 2020 8:21 am Title: Chapter 4
Ah, 3:30 AM ... I was awakened with a text message. These seven hour difference time zones are killing me. So I decided to read this last chapter before trying to go back to sleep.
How Justin can't see just how different Father Brian is from the other Fathers, blows my mind... He's stroking his hand... LOL... This Justin is dense!
I was going to ask... Brian was concerned with Justin being underaged, but then figured he was close enough to eighteen. I thought legal age of consent was seventeen. Or is it because he's a cop?
So Brian was thinking of the luscious lips... Well, that's ONLY because he hasn't seen the other enticing ass-et of Justin...
So, Abbot Reynolds observed Justin being fifteen minutes early for his lessons... yet Justin was always late for morning prayers. What's that say?
Something hit me about this scenario with Justin being at the monastery... He's only seventeen, and his father forced him into going there. Isn't there some type of law against that? He pulled him out of finishing high school... he's paid a monastery to keep his son... I would really think that's against the law. Well, it will be interesting to see if the police have anything to say about that. But I really hope Craig gets brought up on charges for this.
All caught up! Yay me!
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
I usually have my cell phone off when I am ready to sleep, so I can avoid that. Of course, not that I don't sometimes fall asleep with my phone open in bed - LOL.
Justin is extremely naive in this story. There's not a doubt about that...
The age of consent is 17 in Pennsylvania. At least, that's what I had thought. It's even as young as 16 in some states. My state is one of those. I believe this is a moral issue, not to mention a bit inappropriate with Brian not only being a cop, but a detective as well. I think it would defenitely be a code of conduct issue with his superiors.
I am a bit vague on some aspects of the law, but I believe at 17 in regards to some things, he has to go to court for emancipation to declare himself as an adult. Of coure, Justin didn't really put up much of a fight either. That could stem from having an emotionally abusive father. This story could have explored so many avenues, but it's only a 10-chapter story, so things should move along quickly soon.
Hopefully you can get back to sleep. Sadly, this has become my new normal for awake time. I can't get used to it!