Date: Sep 08, 2020 4:53 pm Title: Chapter 1
I am loving the dynamic and new perspective of this story. Can't wait to read more, great job
Author's Response:
This is definitely something different, even from me. I'm glad you are enjoying it. More is posted now. Thanks for the comment!

Date: Sep 04, 2020 1:53 pm Title: Chapter 1
Now this is interesting. Craig is playing true to form. Brian, however, is truely interesting. Hiding out at a monastary! What a twist.
Author's Response:
Craig is Craig here for sure, perhaps even more so. I enjoyed writing this tall tale. I think that's an apt description - LOL.
More to come soon. Thanks for commenting.
Date: Sep 03, 2020 11:34 pm Title: Chapter 1
Lol I see this monastery will be the enlightenment of truth and savior for both Brian and Justin
Author's Response:
Yes, that's a very apt description. Neither of them wants to be there, but I guess we'll see if that changes.
Thanks for commenting. More to come soon.

Date: Sep 02, 2020 9:09 pm Title: Chapter 1
Brian Kinney. Monk. Celibacy.
Brian must feel he's died and gone to hell. Oh, but ye of little faith.
I'm looking forward to the rest...
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
If there ever was an oxymoron that would be Brian's name attached to monk and celibacy! LOL.
Yeah, I think Brian would rather face his dangerous life than succumb to this. But, maybe that will change. Haha.
More to come. Thanks for commenting, Cathy.
Date: Sep 02, 2020 7:03 pm Title: Chapter 1
love it so far
Author's Response:
More to come. Thanks for the comment...