Date: Feb 01, 2025 12:50 pm Title: Chapter 14
Thank heavens that Justin got all that out, so the healing can really begin. I am a little surprised that Brian isn't taking more of the blame. He has to know all those demeaning words he said to Justin were kind of what made the spiraling descent occur.
Is Justin still drawing? I'd think that now that he's past a lot of that crap, that even doodling would be calming for him.
Hugs ~Cathy
Date: Sep 05, 2020 4:34 am Title: Chapter 14
Hi again! What a awesome chapter! That was moving and very emotional. Very well written, one can feel Justin's pain and dispair and it broke my heart imagining Justin when he told how he felt when Brian left for NY. And it's a start, that they beginn to talk about what happened and yeah, it's a good talk, but everytime Brian is saying something like "we were friends", I want to shake him... It's also a start that Brian confess to Justin that he was an important person back then, but if I were Justin I would have asked why he broke off all contact then... But okay, I'm sure you'll deal with this issue later... ;-)
When I imagined Justin sitting in this armchair I got the idea that Brian should get Justin some sketchpad and pencils... Maybe it would help Justin to get back some spirit! Great chapter! Can't wait! Warmest regards and stay heatlhy!
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked the chapter :)
Hopefully Brian will realise that they're so much more than friends, then again, the Brian that left for New York was season 1, pre-Prom Brian, so... we'll see...
I think Justin knows why Brian broke off all contact and never contacted him again after he left for New York: Brian told him that he had only been a fuck and they have been nothing more than people that fucked. No partners, no boyfriends, nothing... I don't think that Justin expected anything else once he accepted that that was all they were to Brian: people that fucked occasionally.
This definitely won't be the last conversation between them though, that's for sure! And it's only the beginning of Justin's recovery, so...
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)
Date: Sep 01, 2020 5:02 am Title: Chapter 14
Ah. The catharsis. On to the healing... TAG
Author's Response:
Hopefully... We can only hope for the best ;)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!

Date: Aug 31, 2020 3:36 pm Title: Chapter 14
What ever happened to Daphne? I'd still like to know what happened with Mikey. It's good that Brian and Justin are talking, I just hope that Brian doesn't back away thinking that Justin is cured.
Author's Response:
As Justin mentioned, he lost all his friends when he descended into his addiction, including Daphne. We should not forget that at the time Daphne was only 17, 18 years old, so the things she could have done to help Justin would have been limited :(
As for Michael, that will be revealed later on in the story. When it's time ;)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!
Date: Aug 31, 2020 10:49 am Title: Chapter 14
Wow such an intense chapter but beautifully written. I look forward to the next chapter
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked the chapter. It was a hard one to write.
Thanks for your comment, more will be up soon :)