Date: Feb 01, 2025 12:15 pm Title: Chapter 13
Brian should own a heating blanket. But then there's the sweating, so I don't know if that would help. I sure know I appreciated mine when I had Covid.
Did you ever watch Candy. with Heath Ledger? There was a part where they tried going cold turkey. Justin's pain reminds me of that. Now that they are into their second week, other than the cravings, Justin's detox symptoms should be almost over.
I keep thinking Ted will be around more, but he's just not.
Brian should be given a medal for helping Justin through this.
Hugs ~Cathy
Date: Aug 30, 2020 6:41 am Title: Chapter 13
Hi! Great chapter again, intense! I just hope, Brian is right, and they really got over the worst! I really suffered with them and I'm curious about future conversations because I think there is a lot to talk about regarding Justin's past and why things happened the way they were...
Michael: As you know, I don't like him, but I also like to read stories in which he's a real good friend. I just thought, if he stopped trying to help Justin, then it must've been something big. But no, I won't be dissapointed if it isn't a big thing.
Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
It was a hard chapter for both Brian and Justin and for readers as well - hopefully the worst will be over now!
Those conversations will happen... very soon...
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)

Date: Aug 27, 2020 2:01 pm Title: Chapter 13
It hurts to see how bad things are for Justin. Even worse is how many people in this country are in the same shape. If only it was easy.
Author's Response:
Yes, this is a hard chapter for both Brian and Justin and for readers as well :(
I don't think it's just an issue in certain countries, this is unfortunately something that happens to people all over the world :(
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!
Date: Aug 24, 2020 6:50 am Title: Chapter 13
Oh I feel we have some more angst coming up the ending sounded like a forewarning
Author's Response:
More angst? In one of my stories? Hmmmm, I don't know ;)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!
Date: Aug 23, 2020 9:59 pm Title: Chapter 13
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)