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Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 31, 2025 9:44 pm Title: Chapter 11

You know, when a baby is born with fetal alcohol syndrome, the doctors wean them off slowly. Would that work with Justin? Cold turkey is another whole ballgame.

I have to wonder if Brian asked Justin about Michael's attitude, if Justin would tell him... It doesn't appear that anyone else will tell him.

Hugs ~Cathy

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 13, 2020 12:13 pm Title: Chapter 11

Hi again! Thanks for another great and beautiful chapter! First, answers to your answer....

“And we'll find out more about Justin's relationship with Danny and what it was really like later on in the story. Things aren't always what they seem.” - I got the feeling that he was protecting Justin in some way ... Maybe they weren't in a relationship at all, but were friends ... Well, my imagination runs wild with me. I try to be patient ... :-)

Friends – In my opinion, there was already some kind of friendship in S1 – they’ve done already so many things for each other (for example, when Brian took Justin home with him after the horrible scene with Craig at Justin’s home or when Justin helped Brian in terms of Kip), but in your story Brian treated Justin terrible after he left… that’s not how one should treat a friend, but I think that would be exactly what Brian would have done and not because Justin wasn’t a friend but because he was already so much more and Brian couldn’t handle this… Hm, does this makes any sense?

I really love this chapter and the way you let Brian speak to Justin. He gives him hope and tries to be there for him and we know, if Brian promises something, then it really means something. And again, as so often before, very well written… one can feel Justin’s pain and suffers with him! Looking forward to Sunday!

Author's Response:

"I got the feeling that he was protecting Justin in some way ... Maybe they weren't in a relationship at all, but were friends ... Well, my imagination runs wild with me. I try to be patient ... :-)"

You might be surprised once the truth about their relationship comes out ;) Though some things have already been hinted at between the lines... I promise all will be revealed! :)


"but in your story Brian treated Justin terrible after he left… that’s not how one should treat a friend, but I think that would be exactly what Brian would have done and not because Justin wasn’t a friend but because he was already so much more and Brian couldn’t handle this… Hm, does this makes any sense?"

It makes perfect sense! And it would be so like Brian. Instead of admitting his real feelings for Justin, he would just shut down and pretend that Justin was just another trick, just another fuck and no different to anyone else no matter the cost to himself or Justin. The walls would be up and in place! 


I love writing conversations between Brian and Justin. I know I mentioned it before, but sometimes there seemed to be a real lack of conversations and communication between them on the show, so I love to give them the opportunity in my stories. Writing long conversations between them is my favourite part of writing these stories :)

Now we only have to see how Justin will react to Brian's plan...

Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :) 

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 11, 2020 6:53 pm Title: Chapter 11

That sounds like a crazy detox plan, Brian... TAG

Author's Response:

Crazy indeed... Wonder how Justin will react to that plan ;)

Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon! 

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 10, 2020 12:17 pm Title: Chapter 11

I like Brian's idea, but I think he needs help with what he plans.  He doesn't know what he's getting into.

Author's Response:

Yes, he will need help and it will be interesting to see who will be the one to help in the end ;) 

Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :) 

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