Date: Aug 10, 2020 7:50 pm Title: May 1st - June 5th, 2015
Wow! Wow! Just wow! I know she's being a little irrational NOT telling Hunter right away but I gotta say, I understand. I'm like that too. Yes, I know, it's not healthy to keep things from your family/friends especially in her case! My crap has never been that dangerous. I'm the one who takes care of everyone else, tht's always the way it's been. So it's hard to accept help or ask for it. However, thank God my closest friends know me and drive down here to 'take care of me' for the day or whatever.
I think Skinner, Seth & Reverend all need to be in jail! Holy shit! Molly girl, you in danger! She's too hot & too wonderful. Yes, yes, please go live with Hunterin NYC! Omg woman! I'm so glad Molly has video & audio of the assholes! Wicked smart friends!
Author's Response:
Yeah, I think she doesn't want to burden him and worry him. The distance is hard enough and she feels that the drama forced upon her makes it so she isn't worth it. :( She definitely needs to be more open though. I think if she saw progress regarding Seth, she would be. But to be failed by the authorities and the judicial system over something as severe as that traumatized her. So when it comes to other "less serious" offenses, she just doesn't bother trying to get justice or protection for herself. She definitely needs to go live with Hunter in NYC. She will have Hunter and her brother there, along with friends who will care deeply and want to protect her. She also won't be too far from Pittsburgh, Morgantown, Connecticut, and Toronto so staying close with other friends and family shouldn't be difficult.
I'm glad your friends can tell when something is wrong and come to check on you! You deserve it! New chapter is up now!

Date: Aug 07, 2020 11:52 pm Title: May 1st - June 5th, 2015
Living on two sides of the country aren't working. Molly on her own seems to attract the weirdest of men.
Author's Response:
The distance is definitely causing an issue, especially after experiencing essentially living together for three weeks. Molly DOES attract some weird and dangerous men. She actually had an ex who is lovely and Seth is her only bad ex. But she definitely attracts unwanted attention from creeps. New chapter is now up! Thank you for reading and reviewing!