Reviews For LAX PIT
Reviewer: Glo Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 07, 2020 9:54 pm Title: April 2015, Part 4
Date: Aug 07, 2020 9:54 pm Title: April 2015, Part 4
Omg I'm NOT crying again!!! Omg they HAVE to get on the same coast like now....
Yeah, Justin will get over it.
I've missed Lily & Duncan so much! She definitely deserves more than a $5!
Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed 

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Date: Aug 07, 2020 12:14 am Title: April 2015, Part 4
Author's Response:

Date: Aug 07, 2020 12:14 am Title: April 2015, Part 4
So much happening on their last week together. Lilly, Duncan, and JR are so cute together. Justin will come around. Now I have to wait and see how you get them back together again.
Author's Response:
They had a lot going on for sure. The kids are super cute. Justin is just a worried older brother who didn't think this would happen. When it comes down to it, he loves Molly and honestly does care about Hunter too. Chapter 11 is now up! Thank you for reading and reviewing!