Date: Jan 31, 2025 9:14 pm Title: Chapter 10
‘Don’t come back. It’s not safe. Stay away, please. Sorry! J’ Ohh... I choked up.
Your chapter note had me chuckling... I sure hoped it was Danny. Thank you! It was also the perfect way to get Justin to leave with Brian.
I have to wonder if all other canon is the same. Shouldn't Hunter be around? Has Ted hit his own rock bottom?
I do hope Justin stays there, and doesn't slip out of the house while Brian sleeps. Or will nightmares have him slipping into Brian's bed? (Seriously - just comfort.)
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Aug 11, 2020 6:28 pm Title: Chapter 10
I'm pretty sure that Brian is deceiving himself that he's only Justin's "friend". TAG
Author's Response:
He most definitely is... In best Brian Kinney fashion he is/was not able to accept his real feelings for Justin :(
Date: Aug 07, 2020 5:29 am Title: Chapter 10
Hi again! Thanks for another great chapter! That was very brave of Brian to go back there in spite of everything! Jeez, even if I won't miss Danny very much, I wonder what impact his death will have on Justin ... It seems as if Danny kind of protected him …
“Friends”??? - I can understand that Justin reacts to this with sadness and doubt. Jeez, I could have understood if he had reacted completely differently or with anger. Were they really friends? And if they were friends, how could Brian leave him behind like that? He broke off all contact with him and even prohibited his "friends" from even mentioning Justin's name. I am curious and also sure that you will bring up this topic again and I’m curious what Justin thinks about having been friends with Brian in the past... Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Very brave or very foolish? ;) Better nor let Michael find out what Brian did...
His death will have an impact on Justin - how could it not? And we'll find out more about Justin's relationship with Danny and what it was really like later on in the story. Things aren't always what they seem.
Yep, friends. The question is: Does Brian really believe that they were ever or can ever be friends? Or is he just fooling himself as he has done so many times before when it came to Justin, his feelings, etc. We'll see...
At least for now Justin and Brian are on their own in a safe place. Will that give them time to finally talk? Will Brian finally get a chance to get through to Justin?
We'll find out soon :)
Thanks as usual for your comment. More will be up soon!

Date: Aug 03, 2020 12:07 am Title: Chapter 10
At least Justin is with Brian. Shame that Brian went with let's be friends, I'm sure Justin was expecting more.
Author's Response:
We'll see where things will go from here. Hopefully in the right direction :)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon!