Date: Jan 31, 2025 8:29 pm Title: Chapter 8
Since we don't know what all Justin has done against 'the family,' it just doesn't seem to me that Brian is in the wrong. Isn't that what the rest of the family tried to get Justin to do? Trust them? To help him? I can't see either Debbie or Emmett condemning that.
Jeez, just what the heck is the big secret about Justin and Michael? Unless it concerns Ben, or stealing from Michael, I can't think of anything else for Michael's attitude. Hopefully, we find out soon.
Brian got himself into a whole new mess of problems. I think if he'd gone to the Salvation Army for old clothes, it might have been better, maybe it wouldn't have given him away.
I didn't think Justin would take the money. Very happy he didn't, even though it would have gotten Justin what he needed. I just hope Danny left it there, and left Brian there.
How is Brian going to explain his beat-up face?
This is getting GOOD!
Hugs ~Cathy
Date: Aug 11, 2020 6:35 am Title: Chapter 8
Uh oh... Brian. TAG

Date: Jul 27, 2020 1:24 am Title: Chapter 8
Brian should never have gone alone.
Author's Response:
No, he shouldn't have. But we know he doesn't always think clearly when it comes to Justin...
Thanks for your comment :)
Date: Jul 23, 2020 6:56 am Title: Chapter 8
Hi again! What a cliffhanger! That was really an exciting chapter... Oh, Brian... I was really astonished! That he took this high risk to go looking for Justin... He really cares... That is really so much more what you would do for someone you've just known... for someone who was just a fuckbuddy... And I'm soo glad that there is also something left in Justin... Now I just can hope that Brian will be alright and also Justin... I think it's time for a little break and a little positive stuff??? :-) Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Yes, poor Brian... And yes, he cares, but as usual he'll be the last one to realise how much he really cares and has cared all along and it will take him time to accept it :( Only Michael might have a harder time accepting that Brian cares for Justin ;)
As for Justin, we can only hope that the link between him and Brian will be enough to pull him back from the path that he is on.
Hopefully Brian and Justin will both be alright after this little episode. I promise that things will get better, but I can't promise that it will be in the next chapter or the one after ;)
Thanks for your comment! More will be up soon :)