Date: Jan 31, 2025 6:58 pm Title: Chapter 5
WHOA! What a bad situation! Is that the true Justin, or was he somehow protecting Brian and Emmett by talking to them like that?
Danny sounds like a psycho. If Danny had warned Emmett before, I'm surprised Emmett went back there. Just where does Danny get off calling Emmett a fag, when Danny must be one himself?
Hugs ~Cathy
Date: Aug 11, 2020 5:27 am Title: Chapter 5
Justin really must have changed... TAG
Author's Response:
Unfortunately, he did :(
Date: Jun 30, 2020 1:45 pm Title: Chapter 5
Hi again! Thanks for another great chapter. Oh, Justin ... but honestly ... What did Brian expect after he never got in contact with Justin again and dumped him so heartlessly and in such a cruel and cold way. It was pretty clear that Justin wouldn't receiving him with open arms, being happy seeing him again and asking how he was the last years ... I'm a little worried that Justin could go so far as to rob Brian, steal from him. Hopefully Brian don't get hurt. Well, we'll see what else you've got in store for those two...
I came into contact with alcoholism early on. My father drank, but luckily he was never violent, and actually did it. He has been „dry" for about 30 years. He can be really proud of that. A good friend of mine unfortunately didn't have this strength. She died a few of years ago. You can‘t really help an addict, The will and strength must come from the person himself. My friend's son was just 8 or 9 years old at the time and not even he could give her the strength to overcome the addiction. So, yes, I hope that Justin will refind his old strength in your story and that Brian's love may help him a little. Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
I think Brian is still struggling with the acceptance stage and was hoping that maybe everyone has been exaggerating how badly Justin was really doing :( And yes, that also means facing his own part in how Justin's life turned out, facing his own guilt over his behaviour three years ago. Not easy on Brian :(
As for Brian and Justin... There will be a lot more interaction coming up soon, hopefully not too dramatic, but well... I like drama, so... And we all know that I end my drama with a happy ending, so there is definitely hope for Justin! And I like a good, strong Justin, so fingers crossed that we'll see him again before long.
I am sorry to hear about your experiences with alcoholism and drug use and I am so glad that your father was able to fight it and move on from it. That's indeed something to be proud of :) As for your friend, I am really sorry :( But you're right, you can't help someone who doesn't want the help. In my family there have been some experiences with depression and suicide and at the end, it comes down to the same thing: You can't force someone to accept help. That won't work, no matter how much you want it to work. The person needs to be willing to accept the help themselves and needs to be willing to work at getting better themselves. You can't do it for them...
Thanks for your comment! Stay safe :)
Date: Jun 29, 2020 12:51 pm Title: Chapter 5
I need to know what happened between Michael and Justin.
Brian needed to learn for himself what Justin is now like, No amount of Michael sounding like a jealous lover was going to stop Brian. No matter what Brian had to try.
I can't picture Em starting his life in the Pitts on Larimer St., not at all. And this Danny guy, what the fuck is up with him? Calling Em a fag like it was something dirty yet Danny being Justin's boyfriend would make him one too. Maybe he's afraid that if Justin could see things how they really are he'd leave Danny for better things. Just like Justin probably will.
Boy Justin is really angry at Brian but I feel his question to Em was more about Justin not wanting Brian to see how far his sunk instead of Brian's safety.
I have a feeling Justin has a lot to say to Brian. Can't wait for that tete a tete.
Where is Brian Kinney? This Brian seems to lacking confidence and a backbone. Must have left all of that in NY.
Author's Response:
We will find out what happened between Michael and Justin later in the story - I promise!
As for Emmett - in my mind, he arrived in Pittsburgh from Hazlehurst without any money, coming from what was basically white trash background, so out of all the characters, he seemed the most likely to have started his life in Pittsburgh in a bad neighbourhood, working his way out of that neighbourhood when he found friends on Liberty Avenue.
As for Danny calling Emmett a fag: Emmett would be a lot more effeminate than Danny which according to Danny makes him a different kind of gay. Unfortunately, there is a lot of prejudice to effeminate gay men even in the gay community itself and that's why Danny wouldn't consider himself a fag, but Emmett :(
You might be on to something with Justin's real feelings here ;)
Brian is still reeling from the news that something like this has happened to Justin and seeing him like that was just another shock on top of a whole lot of shocks in a short time. Don't worry, Brian will work through that and the real Brian Kinney will make an appearance soon!
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)

Date: Jun 28, 2020 11:52 pm Title: Chapter 5
It's a shame that Michael reacts so badly about Justin. It's almost like when they first met. Emmett is better at least he understands. Hopefully they can kidnap Justin?
Author's Response:
Maybe we'll understand Michael a bit better once we find out what happened between him and Justin.
Kidnap Justin? I don't think that's legal and as mentioned before by Michael: They tried interventions and it didn't work and it won't unless Justin wants the help he needs...
So we can only hope that he'll see that he needs help and will accept it!
Thanks for your comment :) More will be up soon!