Date: Jun 21, 2020 3:01 am Title: Chapter 50: Metropolitan Ave & Rodney Street (Part 2)
Can't wait to find out what happens at Brian. I'm thinking if Lily got involved with taking out Seth she'd go to his parents and point out their mistakes. She'd manage to take him down without a sweat.
Author's Response:
If anyone can intimidate anyone, it's Lily! ;) Seth needs diffused for sure. Chapter 52 is now up! Thank you for reading and reviewing :)
Date: Jun 19, 2020 2:51 am Title: Chapter 50: Metropolitan Ave & Rodney Street (Part 2)
Omg Debbie! I could just see her yelling with her arms up & hugging Justin lol
I love Noah!!! Such a sweet guy. Reminded me of my Gram when she was still alive & suffering from Alzheimers. This part of the story is so touching....
And Hunter's speech that got thru to Molly made me cry...
Author's Response:
Debbie is the best. She knows when to let her enthusiasm fly :)
Noah is a sweetheart! His Alzheimer's makes him bit out there sometimes, but as you can see, he is still very knowledgeable and intelligent. And aw, your Gram sounds great too <3
And Hunter is the best. <3 He truly and deeply loves Molly with all of his heart. I think this was the moment he really gained Justin's and Tucker's respect and understanding when it comes to Molly.
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!