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Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 31, 2025 10:18 am Title: Chapter 3

Okay... I'm looking forward to seeing if Justin is really as bad as Michael says. However, the bit about Michael's hatred toward him, has me confused. Did Justin get in bed with Ben? What else could Justin have done to make Michael so angry???

I have so many questions going through my head...

Where's Justin living? Where's Daphne? With the numerous quantity of drugs, how is it that Justin hasn't gotten something with Tylenol in his system? Does the family even know if Justin is still alive? If this has been going on for three years, how is it that Justin isn't sitting in a jail cell? Questions, questions...

Hugs ~Cathy

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 10, 2020 6:14 pm Title: Chapter 3

Poor Justin. TAG

Author's Response:

I know, right? The things I put them through in my stories... :( 

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 23, 2020 5:05 pm Title: Chapter 3

We've only heard from Michael.  Until we hear from Emmett, Ted and Daphne we won't know the truth.

Author's Response:

This story (for once!) is not Anti-Michael, so we can trust him on this...

Thanks for your comment!

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 18, 2020 7:40 pm Title: Chapter 3

Hi again! Thanks for another great chapter, and I still want to shake Brian... In my opinion there were already so many small moments in S1, looks, gestures that showed that Brian already felt more for Justin, even if he didn't understand it himself or wanted to admit it. Did your Brian forget this or repress it or did he really just saw Justin as a fuckbuddy? Was he really not aware of how deep Justin's feelings ran for him? I really feel sorry for Justin. He was really at a critical point in his life when Brian left, somehow lost (apart from Daphne maybe) and to imagine he lost Brian from one day to the next without hearing anything from him... Terrible... Hopefully he wasn't at one of Sap's parties... "Shudder" I'm really curious, how you will continue this. And I'm looking forward to Sunday evening! Stay healthy!

Author's Response:

I agree with you, the signs were there even in season 1, though personally I think a big change happened after Brian's scarfing episode when he made the decision to go to Justin's prom and of course what happened then. Like you said, I don't think Brian was ready to admit to himself what those feelings meant and that scarfing episode finally made him accept the feelings he had for Justin, which sadly means that in this story he wasn't quite at that point yet :(

You're asking a good question concerning Brian's feelings for Justin. I think he told himself that Justin was just a fuckbuddy and nothing more, but over time, he will come to realise that he was mostly lying to himself. The next chapter will give a few more answers in that direction ;)

Yes, poor Justin. He really loved Brian, then was thrown away like that by Brian without any concern for his feelings and all that at a time where he had already "lost" his parents or at least his father and was being bullied in school for being gay. It was a hard time for him and in this story he sadly cracked under the pressure and went down a very dangerous path :(

We can only hope that it's not too late and that there is still hope for Justin. We know that once Brian has a plan, he can be very determined, so he better come up with a plan to rescue Justin! 

Nope, Sap is not a part of this story, but... well... let's just say the last years haven't been easy for Justin anyway, even without Sap's involvement :(

Thanks for your comment. I really appreciate reading your thoughts on this little story of mine :)

Reviewer: sophiesmom Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 14, 2020 9:42 pm Title: Chapter 3

Great chapter..

Can't help but wonder what exactly Justin did to Michael. Did he make a play for Ben?

Hi guilt my name is Brian, welcome to my life.  Why don't you and any friends you may have with you come wreak some havoc.

Author's Response:

No, Justin didn't make a play for Ben. We'll find out later in the story what he did and why it made Michael so angry at him. 

I don't know why, but for some reason Brian feeling guilty about something is a Brian I really love to write. No one does guilt like Brian Kinney, even though he pretends not to have any feelings at all...

Thanks for your comment! More will be up soon :) 

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