Date: Jun 07, 2020 1:46 am Title: March 2015, Part 2
Omg hearing about Seths connections is so scary because he will try something and even though some information is getting out the police report is going to bring seths anger out again and this time he will have Hunter as well
Author's Response:
It is concerning! Right now, despite their relationship quickly growing and more people finding out about it, Molly is keeping it an absolute secret online - no pictures or posts with Hunter tagged, which means no bragging about her skydiving adventure, unfortunately :( Although if Seth is inclined, he could possibly attempt to hack her phone and read her texts to him. Hopefully he isn't feeling that ambitious right now. Thank you for reading and reviewing! New chapter is now up!

Date: Jun 06, 2020 7:07 pm Title: March 2015, Part 2
Very interesting chapter with Harry Potter and all. I say sic Lily on Seth. As a slytherin she'd give him a run for his money and if he tryed anything Brian would make sure he paid for it.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you enjoyed the HP references! And yes, Lily can overwhelm and outsmart a lot of people. If anyone can get Seth, she can. ;) Thank you for reading and reviewing! New chapter is now up!
Date: Jun 06, 2020 4:10 pm Title: March 2015, Part 2
I am so in love with this couple! Truly, they are perfect for each other! Of course, your writing has everything to do with it!
Wow, what a difference a day & meds make for Craig huh? I love game night! Yes, I'm a nerd too & a Gryffindor! Lol
Cannot wait to read their POV'S at Brian & Eric's wedding!!!
Author's Response:
I'm so glad you are enjoying them! I'm aware that people don't come to the QAF fandom looking for Hunter/Molly fanfic (LOL) but it's awesome that this fic is getting the few reviews and hits that it is. I'm actually really enjoying the writing process of this one. It feels more like an original story more than anything, since this Hunter has grown and changed so much and Molly is essentially an OFC due to seeing so little of her in the show.
I believe the company of his daughter is what is helping Craig the most, but the med adjustments are beginning to calm him as well. And yay! I am like Justin. I am either a Gryffindor or a Slytherin, it can go either way lolol.
Hopefully I will get to the wedding eventually. It will be fun to write Thanks for reading and reviewing!