Date: Jun 04, 2020 7:59 pm Title: March 2015
Well, that first part was freaking adorable! Love Molly's friends, especially Hazel!
Then and I never thought I'd say this....poor Craig! Holy shit man, I think he DOES need constant supervision! OMG! Yeah, he definitely needs to be somewhere where he can be watched all the time, especially if he's still suicial. I hope his doctor finds a nice place for him where he can get some socialization, meds, is watched & can attend various therapies throughtout the day.
And then time for more psychopathic tendencies from Seth...Jesus Christ! Yikes! That boy needs to be on the greatest of medications for his conditions & locked up pronto! Can someone really do that? Appear to be calling from somewhere else on their phone? How the hell does that happen? I'd be totally freaked out if I were Molly.
Thank God Hunter flew in! Can't wait for more hun! This is awesome!
Author's Response:
I love Hazel too! She is a good and loyal friend. Craig is going through a rough time right now. :( He's not actively suicidal, but now that he's in therapy, he is thinking of what would have happened if he had succeeded in his previous attempt (he never would have seen Justin again, he would never get the chance to try to mend his relationship with Molly, etc). It might come down to an in-patient stay eventually if he has too many setbacks, but Molly's presence (and surprisingly Hunter's) are actually going to help him a great deal.
Seth definitely needs to be on meds and in a locked facility of some sort. He's proven in the past he can be dangerous and apparently still has fantasies about hurting/maybe killing Molly. And yes! You can block your location! Not through a cell phone, but if you call through a computer and have a VPN service, you can disguise your number from who you are calling just by using a simple number generator service and the VPN will protect you from being tracked down by the police. As for appearing to call from Justin's gallery, there are prank apps that allow you to appear to be calling from somewhere specific. Since Seth is a genius programmer, I'm assuming he compiled these services and used his abilities to create one master program to do most of the work for him.
And yay! Hunter is in! New chapter is now up! :) Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: Jun 02, 2020 12:51 pm Title: March 2015
Omg Seth is a major danger and I am getting very nervous
Author's Response:
He is very dangerous, almost more so since they don't know where he is and he hasn't shown his face in a while. That will change in the Intersect sequel (where Hunter and Molly have a larger role).

Date: Jun 02, 2020 7:33 am Title: March 2015
Seth is a real psycho and is starting to scare me sh*tless, let alone poor Molly! I found myself holding my breath reading this chapter - very suspenseful. I do hope Hunter can track him down and deal to him quickly and as painfully as possible. What a sicko :-(
Author's Response:
Seth is in definite need of being locked up, whether that be in prison or a psychiatric hospital to become stable and realize what he's doing is wrong. Hunter definitely wants to track him down. It's a foreign feeling to him, since our boy is usually not violent but Seth is an exception. All of this is very new to him and unfortunately not new to Molly 😔. New chapter is now up! Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Date: Jun 02, 2020 3:10 am Title: March 2015
Poor Molly. Hopefully Hunter can help and whats-his-name gets run over by a subway car.
Author's Response:
Unfortunately, it might have to come to something like that because Seth is dangerous and no one in his life is making him face the consequences of what he's doing or at least getting him into psychiatric care. It's scary! Hunter is trying desperately to figure out what to do but it's definitely a hard situation. Seth is smart and his whereabouts are currently unknown. :/ New chapter is now up! Thanks for reading and reviewing! â¤ï¸