Date: Jan 31, 2025 9:19 am Title: Chapter 1
I'm finally getting around to reading this! Medical issues in 2020...
Anyway... this sounds like it might be a tough read. Between Brian leaving Justin high and dry - and the horrible things he said to Justin.The tags don't help either.
WHERE did he expect Justin to live? HOW did he expect Justin to live? Going home was out of the question - Brian made sure of that. I am kind of worried that there was no sign of Justin between their conversation and Brian leaving.
Hmm... this first chapter should almost have a warning of an Anti-Brian :D
Hugs ~Cathy

Date: Oct 27, 2020 1:19 am Title: Chapter 1
Since I now only read new stories that are complete, I started it today and I ABSOLUTELY love it already. Can't wait to keep reading. I have 91 WIPS so I don't want to get hooked on a story that never gets an ending. Thank you for completing yours. It means a lot to readers. Hope all is well with you during these difficult days. FANTASTIC WRITING.
Author's Response:
I think I mentioned it before, but just in case, I'll mention it again: When I start posting a story, it is already completely written and will be updated with a new chapter once a week. I don't do WIPs and think they are very disrespectful to readers. I am not trying to diss any other authors, so hopefully no one will take this the wrong way, but I hate nothing more than having to wait weeks, sometimes even months for an update on a WIPs. By the time you get an update, you most likely don't even remember anymore what happened in the previous chapter...
So every story that I start posting is already finished and will be updated weekly - there will be no WIPs without update coming from me. It's something I decided a long time ago out of respect for the people who sacrifice their time to read my stories as well as my own peace of mind because it seems a lot less stressful to write a story in my own time without anyone expecting an update and pressuring me for one, you know?
Anyway, I am glad you're giving this story a go :) It's much appreciated!
Date: Aug 10, 2020 5:45 pm Title: Chapter 1
Great start. TAG
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked it and are giving this story a go :)
Date: Jul 22, 2020 4:05 pm Title: Chapter 1
Well, this may not be anti-Michael but I will still enjoy reading it!!
Deb L.
Author's Response:
Haha, thanks for reading it anyway :)
Date: Jun 15, 2020 7:41 am Title: Chapter 1
I'm not a fan of broken Justin or Brian, and I've never trusted Michael about anything. If someone I knew was that broken I wouldn't care if Brian said he didn't want to hear it, you still tell them, get it out there, you don't stop telling him. Like I said I don't trust Michael.
I'll give it one more chapter, if it is true that Justin is doing all those drugs, I won't be sticking around. It's not anything to do with who the author is, I just don't do stories were one of the main characters falls down the "I'm an addict" hole, I am just not a fan of those.
Author's Response:
This story won't be Anti-Michael for once, so unfortunately, what he said is the truth :( That aside, I know what you mean about telling Brian anyway. Too bad Michael always cared more about Brian than anyone else...
I know that this story is not for everyone, but yes, this story will be about Justin being a drug addict. If that's not something you want to read, I totally understand and respect that!
Thanks for your comment! :)
Date: Jun 07, 2020 5:16 pm Title: Chapter 1
Looking forward to more
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment :)
More will be up soon!
Date: Jun 02, 2020 2:42 am Title: Chapter 1
Great start. Can't wait for next chapter
Author's Response:
Thank you :)
The next chapter will be up soon!

Date: Jun 01, 2020 7:22 pm Title: Chapter 1
I love your writing, so I'm definitely up for giving it a go!
More please!
Deb L
Author's Response:
Awwww, thank you, Deb! :)
More will be up soon! As usual chapters will be posted once a week!

Date: Jun 01, 2020 10:57 am Title: Chapter 1
I'm hooked already and very keen to see where you take this. More please :-)
Author's Response:
Thank you :)
More will be up soon. The whole story is already finished and new chapters will be posted once a week!

Date: Jun 01, 2020 7:45 am Title: Chapter 1
Hi! A new story from you! I was totally happy when I saw and read the first chapter last night! And the beginning sounds promising! As always, very well written, but I didn't expect anything else from you! ;-) Oh dear, I'm curious to see how Justin fared. Some of the tags you posted scared me a little ... And it was very painful to read how Brian treated Justin, but at that point in qaf it seems to be a very realistic possibility... I like how you pointed out Justin's situation. Fortunately, it didn't happen on the show, so I never really thought about what it would have really meant to Justin if Brian had gone to New York at that point. Would he've gone back home? Would he've gone to Debbie? What happened to Chris Hobbs? At this point, as Brian said, he'd made himself already a real enemy. And I'm curious about Brian. It seems to me as if he'd really grown up a little. Will you publish a chapter on Sunday evening as usual?
A few more words about your last answer. Yes, I almost agree with you on all points ... And Hal Sparks is a little strange to me too. But as you also wrote, it was a nice gesture by him to write and interact so much with the fans. He seems to enjoy attention a lot more than Randy or Gale. And I think I also won't go to the convention for similar reasons that you mentioned. It's totally okay that they get paid for it, but I have a strange feeling about paying them for something they don't feel like doing and which may be annoying for them. I really like Randy and Gale, but I'm in love with Brian and Justin ;-) and for Randy and Gale, that was a job a long time ago. They played those roles and moved on, but for us fans it's so much more. And it's a show, it's fiction, so everything is possible and for me it doesn't matter what Randy thinks about their fictional future..
So, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter! Warmest regards and stay safe!
Author's Response:
Awwww, thank you :)
We will find out what has happened to Justin soon and like you said, the tags don't bode well for him :(
I thought Brian acted really cold towards Justin during that storyline. Not caring at all what would happen to Justin and in this story, I just kind of went with it. You know how much I like the drama before the boys get their happy ending.
We will find out what Justin did after Brian left and where he went and how his life turned out. It definitely changed from what happened on the show, that much I can promise.
Brian has grown up. His time alone in New York has changed him which is why he will seem more mature and aware of his issues in this story than he might have on the show. I just worked with the premise that time alone away from your family and friends will either make you or break you and in Brian's case, it made him grow up!
Yes, chapters will be posted regularly on Sundays and the whole story is finished already!
Thanks for your comment. I really appreciate it :)

Date: Jun 01, 2020 1:47 am Title: Chapter 1
This is a much smarter Brian. I'm not use to a caring Mikey though. You done good.
Author's Response:
Yes, his time alone in New York has made Brian grow up a bit.
Caring Mikey is a new one for me as well *lol* Usually, I am very anti-Michael, but I thought for once Brian deserved a real, caring best friend in one of my stories...
Thanks! More will be up soon!
Date: Jun 01, 2020 1:29 am Title: Chapter 1
is a good start
Author's Response:
Thanks, I appreciate that :)
More will be up soon!

Date: May 31, 2020 8:09 pm Title: Chapter 1
Hoping you will do a second chapter.
Author's Response:
Oh definitely. Like with all my other stories, the story is already finished and new chapters will be posted once a week. I'll never start posting a story before it's completely finished. I think there is nothing worse than leaving readers waiting for updates on WIPs, so I made a vow to myself a long time ago never to do that. With me there'll be regular updates and the stories will always be finished!
Thanks for your comment. More will be up soon :)