Date: May 29, 2020 7:35 pm Title: February 2015, Part 2
This story prompted me to go back and re-read the entire series again - it is really good. Poor Molly, she has a lot to contend with and Seth's stalking is beyond creepy. So glad Hunter is there for her, but this distance thing is really hard on her, she needs someone by her side, someone to hold her after yet another tough day :-(
I'm really looking forward to more series updates, in either this or the main story - both would be a welcome bonus lol, but no pressure :-)

Date: May 29, 2020 1:35 pm Title: February 2015, Part 2
Forgot to say I loved the sky diving. I rated your chapter a ten but it jumped back to none when I hit the submit button.
Date: May 29, 2020 1:33 pm Title: February 2015, Part 2
Hope you have something horrible planned for Seth. Now Molly has to get to the Pitts to pic up Craig from the airport. Wonder why he's having panic attacks.
Date: May 29, 2020 4:56 am Title: February 2015, Part 2
Love love love!!! This is so good! Finally getting around to reading it, sorry it took so long. What a complete psycho this Seth is! Jesus! So interesting & pulls you right in. Can't wait for more!