Date: Mar 16, 2020 12:43 am Title: The End and the Ben-Twixing
Well, this chapter was filled with more Michael vileness. That guy is truly a work of the devil. Not sure how long before the current time, that had Michael in their kitchen, but it sure seemed like Brian was already fed up with him, and didn't much care for Michael.
By the time I am done weaving my tale of woe, I will be out of here in no time! This gave me all sorts of chuckles. Dream on, dumbass. For all the charges levied at you, you'll be lucky if you EVER see the light of day.
When has Brian Kinney became such a prude and didn't want to be videotaped dancing naked in the rain???
My favorite part was how Brian grounds Justin. Tucking his hair behind his ear... I'm sure it's that familiar touch that Justin has came to know over the years. Brian's there. Brian's there for him. And the kiss on the scar, was icing on the cake.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Mar 15, 2020 7:33 pm Title: The End and the Ben-Twixing

Date: Mar 15, 2020 3:57 pm Title: The End and the Ben-Twixing
Amazing chapter for many reasons, too long to list. My favorite part is "He lifts my hair and kisses my scar"; so much is "said" with this kiss.

Date: Mar 15, 2020 12:08 am Title: The End and the Ben-Twixing
Great update. Any time I hate Michael it is great. LOL. Wonderful writing as usual.
Date: Mar 14, 2020 11:53 pm Title: The End and the Ben-Twixing
Hope they fry Mihaels ass
Date: Mar 14, 2020 8:02 pm Title: The End and the Ben-Twixing
Can't wait for his tale of woe. That's got to be a doozy. I'm certain that he'll not be out of there in no time.

Date: Mar 14, 2020 7:06 pm Title: The End and the Ben-Twixing
Michael is such a vile slug which is a insult to slugs everywhere since they actually serve a purpose and Michael only caters to himself as the flashback shows along with all his other actions.
Michael was determined to rob Brian and Justin of their happiness with each other band like all idiots with very short attention spans he failed Spectacularly.
It may have taken some time to figure everything out and put the pieces together but he has failed and he will pay dearly for it.
Everyone knows Krav Maga?
Whoa! Justin could've done some serious damage but what he did instead could be compared to a head slap from Deb, Justin did what he needed but not what Michael really deserved because he didn't and just couldn't sink to the slimy level or give Michael cause to sue him for huge damages while also denying him sympathy from the jury.
Brian and Justin really do love and know each other deeply their children will be blessed to have them as parents as their friends and family are blessed to know them.
Michael thinks he will have the upper hand for now but like his past plans it will fail and he will be forgotten.
Ben fighting back against Mich Michael shows that he was not willing to play blind to have the crumbs Michael was willing to hand out while he waited for Brian to choose him.
I do hope Ben finds someone who loves him half as much as Brian and Justin love each other which is a lot of love these two men have to give he will be just as lucky to love someone that much in return.
Thanks For the Update 😃