Date: Mar 05, 2020 6:10 pm Title: The Fruits of His Labour
Great chapter. Wow, surprised that Dixon is Michael's father. Terrific writing.
Date: Mar 05, 2020 1:42 pm Title: The Fruits of His Labour
I love this story but it always leaves me puzzled. Brian is vampire and warlock? How does that factor in? How can anyone say that the two of them together can't rule?
Author's Response:
Hiya - sorry for the late response. the explanation for that is coming in Chapter 35...happy reading.
Miss Merlot
Date: Mar 04, 2020 5:02 pm Title: The Fruits of His Labour
So another layer of Brian is revealed and it doesn't scare Justin and it helps strengthen their bond by the time they get back to Pittsburgh they will be unbreakable?
I guess one they bond sexually whatever makes Brian lethal will be tamed because he and Justin will be like Soul-bonded which is much harder to break?
Dixon suppressing Justin doesn't sound like it was his idea so who knows Justin's true heritage?
Deb and Dixon made Michael?
For that alone they should be destroyed!
Justin learning from Brian what they can handle and what they can't takes away some of the vulnerability he probably feels when around other vampires.
Nice that everyone is keeping an eye on the progress their Kings are making but they don't really need to see everything😅
Deb should really watch her back because the noose is dangling close by and soon it will be around her neck along with Michael.
Thanks For the Update 😃