Date: Mar 10, 2020 5:01 pm Title: The Camera Never Lies
Well, it sounds like Brian and Justin have another civil suit against Michael for illegally taping them... hmm... they should take his comic book store and ALL inventory.
Proceeds from the business could go to Ben...
Justin has Michael cornered... I'd love for him to hit him, but Michael would scream "I'm going to sue you"... although, mitigating circumstances and all that... there is a judge present to coinicide the argument... but, maybe Justin should break a chair, and use the wood to pierce his heart... he could say Novotny tripped...
Yet, all he'd have to do is threaten him with retaliation and Michael would end up pissing himself... Justin should reiterate what Bubba and crew are going to do to his loose ass and mouth in prison.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Mar 05, 2020 1:23 pm Title: The Camera Never Lies
What is Justin going to do? Michael is so arrigant it makes me sick. Enjoying this so much. Poor Emmett, he must feel so used.

Date: Mar 04, 2020 5:49 pm Title: The Camera Never Lies
Wow, great chapter. Just hate Michael. Wonderful writing.

Date: Mar 04, 2020 5:30 pm Title: The Camera Never Lies
That House Needs To Be Cleansed Immediately!!!!!
I do want Justin to hit him for every evil vile thing he has ever done to him, Brian, Ted, Emmett, Deb, Jenny, Gus, Ben, Hunter, David, Hank, Melanie, Carl, Jennifer, Everyone in Liberty Avenue for years but Michael would try to sue him.
So perhaps making him go fetal in fear with a huge wet spot would be better and much more fitting for the coward he truly is.
Michael was never man enough to take on Justin by himself or anyone else so prison will be an interesting experience for him since Brian won't be there to take the hits for him, the fool won't last a thirty minutes before he is in the hospital ward hopefully with his jaw shut?
Michael just couldn't stand that Justin is the one Brian chose to love and now no one will ever have Brian again especially Michael because once he is sentenced he will be forgotten just like Lindsay.
Ben is getting a big chance to change his life for the better thanks to Ted and his True Family who love him No Matter What!
I hope he finds the True Love of his life and he is able to give Hunter and Jenny a brother or sister to drive them all crazy with happiness.
Thanks For the Update 😃

Date: Mar 04, 2020 5:18 pm Title: The Camera Never Lies
I would say kinky if it has been for Brian and Justin's benefit only, but here it's weird and highly unhealthy.