Date: Mar 24, 2020 10:28 am Title: CHAPTER FIVE: SILENCE CAN SAY MORE THAN A MOUTHFUL Part 2
That's fine sending all of Lindsay's belongings to Ron and Nancy's, but Lindsay is in prison, and I assume will be there for quite a while. She certainly won't be released in order to live with them. I doubt mumsy and daddy are going to have any funds to hire her a lawyer. Hell, they might have to sell their home, and hopefully make a profit, in order to survive. They will be so far down the ladder, that they won't know what hit them.
It sounds like the Gui situation backfired. I hate to think what he's facing when they catch up to him.
When Brian first asked Ted to look into an account for Lindsay Kinney, I thought maybe he overheard Jen on the phone, then I remembered Brian being told earlier that he could be in trouble.
I hate to think of what all Mel's home will need to have done to get it ready for selling... I'm betting Lindsay did a number on it.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Mar 04, 2020 4:33 pm Title: CHAPTER FIVE: SILENCE CAN SAY MORE THAN A MOUTHFUL Part 2
Great update! Things are looking pretty good for Mel, Justin and Brian. Ted and Mel have interesting friends!

Date: Mar 04, 2020 2:10 pm Title: CHAPTER FIVE: SILENCE CAN SAY MORE THAN A MOUTHFUL Part 2
Another fantastic chapter that gives us information as to what is going on.

Date: Mar 04, 2020 4:53 am Title: CHAPTER FIVE: SILENCE CAN SAY MORE THAN A MOUTHFUL Part 2
It always amazed me how Lindsay thinks she is so Clever but in actuality she is just an amateur who is okay at being sneaky but has as much brains as Michael has class.
Gui forked her over before she could do it to him then Brian and Mel plunged the fork in deeper by denying her access to Gus's support money so she couldn't continue to live out her fantasy.
Moving in a building that doesn't allow kids says how much she values Gus thankfully he is Brian, Justin and Melanie who will make up for the love Lindsay can't feel or understand.
Dumping all of Lindsay's things on Mommy and Daddy's doorstep should be fun but why not let the grandparents have theirs by boasting about Justin's and Brian's success while subtly hinting about Lindsay's drug use, her prolong abuse of Gus and her attacking Melanie who was trying to protect Gus their own sweet way that won't jeopardize the case, while also mentioning the bad parenting of Ronald and Nancy and Lindsay's being thrown out of an upscale residence under a false name.
I bet even Lynette and her husband would love to help while also showing they are severing all ties to The Petersons who will have enough problems on their hands with the pending lawsuit heading their way.
Justin and Brian have quite a team to cover their backs so they won't forget to stop breathe and connect with each other while also making time for Gus so they don't burn out or are left defenseless when more people come to try to destroy them.
Jeff Hawkes is So Hot!!!
And hopefully a new ally in California for Brian and Justin since he is such good friends of Melanie and Ted?
Brian having Ted look into Lindsay's underhanded schemes saves them from being blindsided later I would do the same for Deb and Michael, cause even though Deb doesn't want to be Mrs. Brian Kinney she will do anything to make sure Michael is and she is well taken care of by Brian who owes her.
Are we sure she is finished paying off Gui or whoever he is?
What is Craig's plan B?
What Is Lindsay's next plan?
Are Ron and Nancy ready to live with Princess Lindsay?
How Long before Deb starts trying to regain her control first at the diner then with Brian and Justin?
Thanks For the Update 😃