Date: Mar 10, 2020 4:06 pm Title: The Truth Begins To Come Out
Very full chapter... and one thing was very apparent. Michael is one sick puppy!
Did I understand correctly... Michael kissed Herpes Hobbs, and wanted to pass that along to Brian? How is it that Ben never contracted it?
So, Michael stole their test results, and if Brian contracted Herpes, Justin would have thought he cheated.
How is it that Michael has the sound bite of Debbie telling Brian: that little persistent kid got through!
And, I think he just signed his own death warrant with his admission of smashing the bat against the door picturing it was Justin's head.
Good chapter!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 23, 2020 4:02 pm Title: The Truth Begins To Come Out
loving this story - well done

Date: Feb 18, 2020 9:07 pm Title: The Truth Begins To Come Out
Oh, wow, what a chapter. OMG, I hate Michael. Wonderful writing.
Author's Response:
You are about to hate him more...
Happy reading
Missmerlot [Nicole]

Date: Feb 18, 2020 8:21 pm Title: The Truth Begins To Come Out
OMG. I can't believe how idiotic Michael is. I feel so sorry for Ben.

Date: Feb 18, 2020 5:50 pm Title: The Truth Begins To Come Out
Michael You Cold Hearted, Selfish Bastard!!
Prison is way to good for him he should be shot into a volcano along with Lindsay they are both so selfish cause they only see and hear what they want while ignoring that nothing is theirs to begin with.
Brian was just a commodity to them then Justin came along and with sheer determination he broke through Brian's walls and he touched the heart, a organ none of them ever could because they knew it they actually got to see into Brian's heart that there was no place for them beyond friendship.
Justin loves Brian flaws and all Michael and Lindsay only love the attention Brian gave them and they got for being associated with him, outside of Brian's spotlight they are invisible to everyone else which they hate.
Brian and Justin don't demand attention but they get because they were born for the light due to their innate kindness, Michael and Lindsay demand attention because they are full of darkness due to how selfish and self-centered they are, everyone is just needed for what they give them then they are tossed aside for the next person who will bring them attention.
Gus and Jenny were just pawns who were useful but the moment they outlived their usefulness they were tossed aside and ignored.
Michael is going to prison hopefully until the end of time and perhaps Lindsay will join him?
Thanks For the Update 😃

Date: Feb 18, 2020 4:51 pm Title: The Truth Begins To Come Out
What a dense chapter! Well done! I love how Ted lets Michael know about the keys, the phone (287 times over five days!!!), the lofts and the fact that Justin owns the building. So much for a gold digger! Jenny is very funny. I love how Justin is getting embarrassed when Brian is explaining the sunburns...
Date: Feb 18, 2020 12:38 pm Title: The Truth Begins To Come Out
thanks for update