Date: Nov 07, 2020 1:49 am Title: CHAPTER 1
Sooo how about Brian.helping to hang Chris and get the boys together again.?

Date: Feb 09, 2020 1:56 am Title: CHAPTER 1
Wow, great story. Terrific writing.
Date: Feb 07, 2020 10:04 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Poor brian stuck with Micky on jury duty. I would hate to have michael on any jury. ☹ðŸ˜
Date: Feb 05, 2020 12:21 am Title: CHAPTER 1
Wow! Thank you for this amazing birthday present! â¤ï¸
Michael gets to be a superhero - he's on jury duty. Hahahaha. I guess that would be an exciting change from the Big Q and would get him away from Tracy's determined pursuit. I suspect Michael may turn into a supervillain, though. Brian, at least for now, has forgotten all about who else was present the night Gus was born, was less than pleased by the presence of a certain blond, and who may well end up on the same jury. Maybe he thinks Michael would also want to be the right thing by a gay man who was bashed by a homophobe... any other victim and that would likely be true. Will Mikey's better side win out?
I'm curious if anyone else we know might also end up on the jury... not that you aren't providing plenty of tension as is.
Smarmy Marty Ryder. I can just hear that officious, condescending voice of his - both in regard to Brian's jury duty and Telson. Speaking of Marvin Telson, I really like the way you're weaving him in from canon. I can't wait to see how Brian deals with him in this AU.
Good Lord. That judge sounds like a terror. I heard a rumor that she's a little freaked out that she only gets one chapter to wrap things up... then again maybe there will be an unexpected confession that makes the case a slam dunk.
You've done a wonderful job of inserting humor in this chapter. Poor Brian. He really is fucked right now, and not in a positive, life-affirming way.
Date: Feb 04, 2020 11:23 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Excellent start! I'm anxious to read on!

Date: Feb 04, 2020 10:41 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Hey Cathy,
Excellent job on this! I'm sooooooooo VERY PROUD of you! Admittedly, and from my own experience of crafting courtroom dramas, this is a really tough premise and shows that you are willing to stretch your writing chops a bit further. I just know that you will knock this out of the park; no question!
As for the chapter itself, all i can hear in my head is: DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN, DUHHHHHHHHNNNNNN!!!! Because whereas no one else might know of Brian's limited history with Justin Taylor, there is that Lip-licking Lizard named Michael Novotny who will undoubtedly remember the kid who Brian left him on the side of the road for. Not only that, but he got a second and third look, both at the hospital and afterwards when he was taking Brian home. One has to wonder just how vindictive the man with Little Man Syndrome will be, especially considering the nature of the trial itself.
Could he be looking at this as a simple case of Karma for Michael not being chosen to grace Brian's bed? Could this be an opportunity for him to look at this as revenge because Brian dared to ask Justin what he thought of Gus' name, instead of his stalwart sentinel with the squesky voice? Okay I have to stop now because seriously, I have the horrible announcer's voice in my head as if I'm watching the end of a cartoon with a cliffhanger. In fact, I'll be damned if the words 'Tune in Next Time' didn't just enter my psyche... ARGH! SMH!
Really, Cathy, at this point is it too much to ask that SIR STUPIDHERO doesn't get selected as a juror at all? I mean, I know it will probably rev up the angst factor BUT... And LAWD, HAM, TURKEY AND GRITS, I cringed every single time his childlike enthusiasm for jury duty was displayed! But even moreso, I wanted to smack the sense God gave a can of peas into him for asking those clingy ass questions of where Brian was when he didn't arrive at Woody's and Babylon. I mean, seriously Dude, find a life!
Anyway, I'm looking forward to how you are going to spin this. So far, you have weaved one helluva web; it's absolutely impossible NOT to want to read more!

Date: Feb 04, 2020 7:59 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Very interesting plot! I hope Michael won't stay as he may recognize Justin and not be impartial as he should be.

Date: Feb 04, 2020 7:40 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
This is soooo good with Michael acting typical Mikey. I'm glad you're going to continue with this.