Date: Jun 10, 2020 11:10 pm Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
Love how the friends come together to help Mel...Who would have thought ! LOL

Date: Feb 05, 2020 12:51 am Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
I love the way you can write so many stories and come up with all the different scenarios you do. (You know how I always want to 'borrow'.)
Anyway, as soon as I read: “Lindsay intended to involve Craig in her and Michael’s plan, after hearing from Ronald that Brian is no longer employed at what is now Ryder-Vanguard?” ... I figured the proverbial wheels in Justin's head were going to be turning, because I totally remembered him warning Ron... well, all I can say, is Ron, Marty, and Gardner, better sharpen their pencils for filling out applications at the Big-Q. And how funny that they are running into trouble with Spitzer Pharmaceuticals. Marty should have known to trust Brian's instincts. But, Bob and Brad having to do damage control, brought some much-needed humor.
Icing on the cake? Justin buying Buzzy's! Because before you even stated banning Michael, I was giggling at that very prospect!
I hope you are feeling better and the headaches are at bay.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Feb 02, 2020 8:45 am Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
Your story is so interesting. I can't wait to read what Justin has planned for the Peterson and what will happen to Michael and Deb now that his idiotic son has spit out his venom. The Taylor Kinneys are impressive in intelligence and anticipation in their projects . I hope you will write the rest very soon.
Date: Feb 01, 2020 10:34 pm Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
Love the update
Date: Feb 01, 2020 8:01 pm Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
This gets better all the time. Now how do we get Michael in jail?

Date: Feb 01, 2020 6:18 pm Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
Yes Justin is a Genius but I don't think he needs to conquer the world on his own wouldn't his Grandparents like a hand in making all businesses owned by the Taylor-Kinneys a success?
they don't need a Huge Share but enough for them along with Jennifer and Molly to live quite comfortably while also basking in the success Craig will be missing out on because he is a Selfish, Bigoted, Homophobic Idiot!!
so Ron is about to learn when Justin Taylor-Kinney gives you a warning you heed it like it is the Holy Grail!
Looks like Ron and Nancy won't have time for Lindsay cause they will be too busy saving every dime Justin doesn't sue for to higher a good attorney to protect their name.
Gardner and Ryder thought they were clever trying to force Brian to come back but it isn't going to save them for what is headed their way, because if they lose this lawsuit and get served by Justin then they won't have a crumb left. roflmao
Craig, Michael, Lindsay, Deb and Everyone aren't done yet but they are going to wish when they lose everything that they had stopped and just accepted the L.
Michael isn't even done spewing everything he heard from Deb she gave him years of ammunition to use against Liberty Avenue and Brian, Emmett, Ted, Melanie, Vic so stand back because Michael is going to erupt and Deb is the who is going to drown without one offer of help or condolences.
Mel is seeing that her life can be different if she looks past Lindsay's misconceptions to the truth of who Brian really is and that love doesn't have to be painful but a celebration of mutual love and respect that is even not one sided.
Thanks For the Update 😃
Date: Feb 01, 2020 5:19 pm Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
these chapter just get better and better... and seriously I LOVE Cinder-fucking-Mella!!! lol

Date: Feb 01, 2020 12:17 pm Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
So much going on and I can't wait to find out what Justin has planned for the Petersons and how Mel takes on the legal world in stunning fashion. So if you please give us more on this soon!

Date: Feb 01, 2020 9:35 am Title: CHAPTER THREE: A FLASH OF US: A NEW NORMAL
Amazing chapter on many levels. The way Mel is finally realizing that Brian is not the asshole she always thought he is and also that she wants to be with Leda again. The way Brian realizes that Justin is a mastermind and quick thinking genius.
These quotes are my favorites:
- "I realize the one thing that would have made me physically ill just nine months ago… I need Brian Kinney."
- "Well what did he expect from two people who seem to share the IQ of a raindrop and all the charm of a wet noodle?"
and the last one "So it will be called Taylor-KINNEY Electronics".