Date: Feb 01, 2020 9:10 pm Title: Chapter 1- IT’S A CRUEL SUMMER
Loving this story - all parts of it. Does Brian also take on Taylor-Kinney as a last name?

Date: Jan 03, 2020 5:58 pm Title: Chapter 1- IT’S A CRUEL SUMMER
Michael and Deb forced to really deal with each other with No Brian, Emmett, Ted, Vic or Melanie to be the the buffers or take the blame for their selfish actions will be quite the eye-opener, Liberty Avenue has tried subtly for years to get Deb to see what Michael is really like but she turns a blind eye to anything that doesn't effect her directly when it comes to get Widdle Angel.
Even witnessing his behavior today hasn't really changed her mind that Brian should bend over backwards to take care of Michael and herself.
Brian stepping back to focus on himself, Justin Gus and their True Family gives Deb what she wants Michael's undivided attention and his vile directed at her when no one comes at his whinging, it is a lesson Deb needs to learn the hard way cause like Michael she is a brick wall when it comes to criticism of her parenting skills.
Yes it is time for everyone to take a step Way Back and let Deb and Michael deal with each from now on without buffers or safety nets.
Giving birth doesn't make you a mother neither does spoiling your child to the point they are permanently too crippled to see that life is not a comic book or toys kept in a box until you are ready to show off, it is you who teach your children to handle Real Life not illusions and loving your child and any child without conditions that proves you are a Parent worth loving Forever.
Jennifer is that parent and Melanie is on her way to becoming that parent just like Brian is now, with good examples that no one is perfect but love is not a popularity contest they will go far.
Deb is half way out the door with Brian and Justin along with everyone else but they are giving her one more chance and so far she is failing with no way to improve.
Ted, Emmett, Vic and Rodney are going to be happy being their own bosses and making money for themselves not for Deb, Michael and Lindsay.
Yes Lindsay has more contingency plans but not many allies to help wonder what and who is going to wish they had never heard of Lindsay Peterson?
Brian and Justin are going to have to do something to make it up to everyone who wasn't there to witness their wedding, but first have to deal with the Three Greedy Pigs and their idiot Henchpeople before they can plan something proper.
deb is skating on thin ice at work and out of it how long before she falls through with only Michael and Lindsay to save her?
Thanks For the Update 😃
wish I could score higher than ten because this whole series deserves a 100 across the board😄

Date: Jan 03, 2020 4:41 pm Title: Chapter 1- IT’S A CRUEL SUMMER
Debbie and her entitlement: it's so pathetic! She better moderate her reactions if she doesn't want to be out of Brian's life, if not already too late.
Date: Jan 03, 2020 1:39 pm Title: Chapter 1- IT’S A CRUEL SUMMER
I so love these scenes with drag out slam down verbal stouches with the dreadful twosome and their loud mouthed cheer squad being put down. Keep the story coming p,ease I love every bit except the endo the chapter lol

Date: Jan 03, 2020 1:34 pm Title: Chapter 1- IT’S A CRUEL SUMMER
I do so enjoy all your stories. This one takes us a little bit closer to the truth of what Michael and Lindsay think they've done.
Date: Jan 03, 2020 12:23 pm Title: Chapter 1- IT’S A CRUEL SUMMER
good. Thanks

Date: Jan 03, 2020 9:39 am Title: Chapter 1- IT’S A CRUEL SUMMER
Yes I love this ! It's a crushing start!!

Date: Jan 03, 2020 8:00 am Title: Chapter 1- IT’S A CRUEL SUMMER
Hip hip hooray for Brian... he spoke some long overdue truths. Have fun, Novotny's. I almost wish Debbie would lose her job... then she will be able to see just how unimportant she is to the Avenue. Besides, if ANY employee acted like that in a place of business, they would be fired so fast! Anyway, I hope Mommy and Michael have fun together. NOBODY is going to want anything to do with them. I really hope restraining orders are in place, as they don't know what, "Leave me alone and stay away from me," means. Besides, Justin also has the right to sue for defamation of character.
And once again, Michael is slapped upside the head by Deb. I swear the woman is really a contradiction. On the one hand, Michael is allowed to be hateful and unkind to anyone, including Brian. But then she goes and defends Justin from his meanness, while still being a bitch to him herself. She really needs to get her emotional schizophrenia under control! I totally loved this!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jan 03, 2020 5:39 am Title: Chapter 1- IT’S A CRUEL SUMMER
BOOM! Smack down Kinney style. Loved it!