Date: Jan 27, 2020 5:46 pm Title: Desperate Deflection and Deliberate Diversions
Wow... this is some the tale you're weaving... poor Mikey, just keeps digging himself in deeper and deeper. Does he realize the fact that he dumped the key in the disposal to get rid of the 'evidence'... he just threw a red flag saying, 'I'm guilty, I'm guilty!"
And now with the appearance of the car and bat... dun, dun, dun, duuuunnnn...
I'm looking forward to his explanation for the bashing...
I must say, I was surprised by Russo's appearance... good guy????
I'm also surprised Lindsay didn't try t interject anything this chapter.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Dec 19, 2019 5:30 am Title: Desperate Deflection and Deliberate Diversions
Michel is a trouble, its bliss to see Michel in trouble himself. I gladly despise him.
Thankyou for this lovely update. Happy Holidays 🙂

Date: Dec 17, 2019 6:22 pm Title: Desperate Deflection and Deliberate Diversions
Oh Shit On A Stick!
Michael Is Dust!
Lindsay is just Stale, Old Burnt Toast!
No Way Is Michael or Lindsay coming back from this.

Date: Dec 17, 2019 4:57 pm Title: Desperate Deflection and Deliberate Diversions
Great chapter. Love when Michael is in trouble. Dislike him so much. Wonderful writing. Happy Holidays to you.

Date: Dec 17, 2019 4:35 pm Title: Desperate Deflection and Deliberate Diversions
Tada!!! The end is the nail to Michael's coffin.

Date: Dec 17, 2019 12:36 pm Title: Desperate Deflection and Deliberate Diversions
Wow. They found the key to the diner, how did Ben end up with a copy? Russo is a good guy? Amazing. Where did they find the car?
Author's Response:
At Michael's insistence, as Ben mentioned, he made him take a copy of every key on his key ring. The car was in the garage that Michael has that Miller went to in Chapter 7.
Happy reading.