Date: Dec 14, 2019 7:16 pm Title: The Consequences of Being Cocksure
Before Justin, I don't think Anyone would gave any cents for Brian feeling or emotions. Michel really disgusts in name of friendship, the way he behaves with Brian & others.
Lovely chapter. Glad for Brian getting his happiness with his Sunshine. 🙂
Date: Nov 27, 2019 12:08 pm Title: The Consequences of Being Cocksure
Looks like we have a conviction! Hip Hip Hooray! And Lindsay is going along! I hope they haul them in separately... we don't want no conspiring!
So, did Michael find Deb's set of keys at the diner? Do they have proof that Michael was the culprit... or is it speculation at this point? I'm thinking he didn't find the keys, seeing as he didn't return the keys to the loft. Or had too much time passed by then?
the record of that order... was this just currently? Did all of this stuff with Tiffany's just happen... and that's how it was solved now? Did Ben get the recording on his phone?
You are sure weaving some the plot! But, I loved Brian saying: I never knew how much I hated it until you weren’t able to do it anymore!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Nov 22, 2019 2:28 am Title: The Consequences of Being Cocksure
Sometimes it's hard to keep all this straight. So Mikey kept the rings wanting them changed so he and Brian could wear them? Who did break into the loft?

Date: Nov 21, 2019 8:24 pm Title: The Consequences of Being Cocksure
Wonderful update. Fantastic writing as always.

Date: Nov 21, 2019 5:52 pm Title: The Consequences of Being Cocksure
Stupid Is As Stupid Does and Michael along with Lindsay are all kinds of Stupid!!
Michael also like Lindsay gave them all the evidence they need to convict them both.
Ben always could do better than Michael and now at last he can finally have a relationship where someone loves him for just being him and he will never be a placeholder for anyone ever again.
Thanks For the Update 😃

Date: Nov 21, 2019 4:48 pm Title: The Consequences of Being Cocksure
I love how Brian says that "I never knew how much I hated it until you weren’t able to do it anymore!"; I don't know if it's a habit coming from Debbie, but it's something that is highly annoying. Justin was right to insist on "for emergencies".