Date: Mar 19, 2020 9:10 pm Title: Chapter 44: Sunday, December 17th - Part 1
did read it again from the beginning. would like to know what is going to happen to Hobbs
Author's Response:
Reading the story again from the beginning is quite the compliment. :) Thank you! :)
You’re not the only one who wants to know what will happen to Hobbs. It may take a while for that to play out, however.
Your review has helped motivate us to push forward with the next chapter, one small increment at a time. We are making progress, but it will still be a while before we're ready to post. No deadline, though, since we can't guarantee we'll meet it.
We truly are grateful for you and all the other readers who keep returning to our story despite the horrid, infrequent update schedule. :)
~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)
Date: Feb 14, 2020 10:28 pm Title: Chapter 44: Sunday, December 17th - Part 1
It's been more than 3 months since the last update of this fantastic story and I can't wait much longer.
Did I ever tell you I was born without patience? I'm 72 years old too late to change now.
Author's Response:
Bold to get our attention this time, huh? :D We don't blame you for being impatient, but we are unfortunately down to a snail's pace with cranking out updates. :/ In fact, we've hesitated to respond to you, Mariana, because our updates have become terribly erratic and infrequent.
You have helped motivate us to push forward with the next chapter, one small increment at a time. We are making progress, but it will still be a while before we're ready to post. No deadline, though, since we can't guarantee we'll meet it.
We truly are grateful for you and all the other readers who keep returning to our story despite the horrid update schedule. :)
~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)
Date: Dec 30, 2019 10:29 pm Title: Chapter 44: Sunday, December 17th - Part 1
That chapter was so good!! They're all good, but that was definitely my fave. How brisk D Justin's relationship is growing, hoes Ted and Brian's has blossomed, and the three of them interacting with Carl is perfection. Thanks!!!
Author's Response:
We're made up that you liked this chapter so much! :) It took me (eureka1) a moment, but then I realized 'brisk D' must be 'Brian and.' :D It looks like autocorrect attacked. :D 'hoes' instead of 'how' was much easier to interpret.
Thanks for letting us know that you're enjoying watching Ted and Brian's friendship deepen, as well as Carl and Justin's relationship - in fact, the interactions between all four men. :)
We're working on the next chapter, but progress has been slow because of RL interference. I won't be foolish enough to make any promises about when it will be posted, but we'll update as soon as we can. In the meantime, if you haven't already taken a peek, there is a teaser for the next chapter in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn (aka Karynn & Brynn)
P.S. I figure BritinManor (Cathy) won't mind if I reply to your review before I get to hers - Let's hope so, anyway, or I'm in big trouble. :P We chat all the time, so she already knows how much her in-depth reviews are appreciated.

Date: Nov 23, 2019 2:49 am Title: Chapter 44: Sunday, December 17th - Part 1
Author's Response:
<3 <3 <3 back at you! We're made up that you like our story so much.
There's now a teaser for the next chapter in the FanDoc - go check it out. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Nov 05, 2019 9:22 am Title: Chapter 44: Sunday, December 17th - Part 1
Poor Justin he suffers a lot. I hope he understands that he needs to take care of him whatever happens. I think the pain is a bit lessened when Brian pushed by Ted and Carl admits they are partners wow what progress !! I love Ted more and more in your story Ladies. He is there for Justin and asks the Doctor the right questions while Brian must be disturbed by Justin's tears destroying his designer clothes lol. I like this story more and more. Thank you for taking your time for it.
Author's Response:
You survived the cliff along with Justin, Brian, and Ted! Hooray! :D We're pretty sure Justin has learned his lesson; if not, there will be plenty of people around to reinforce it. Deb's hand is already twitching. :D
José came up with a marvelous description of Brian's progress, so we've awarded him a virtual blue ribbon. :D "Partner is the word of the chapter, no?"
"I want a contract," Brian sternly insists. "No more ruined clothes or furnishings, Twat, or else..."
Thanks for reviewing, Marie-france. :) You and our other faithful readers motivate us to keep writing. :) We're working on the next installment now, but there's a looong ways to go. We should have a teaser for the next chapter - and the rest of the boys' Sunday - up soon, though.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Nov 05, 2019 12:45 am Title: Chapter 44: Sunday, December 17th - Part 1
Omg, I loved loved loved it!!! Brian being so grown up & actually admitting his feelings for Justin! What a fucking chapter! Thanks for the emotional roller coaster ladies. God, I love Brian/Ted's friendship so much! And yes, even though there wasn't any sex in this chapter either, I'll be okay but thanks for worrying about me lol you guys are talented writers, what can I say....poor Justin & his battered family jewels, yikes! He's definitely learned his lesson the hard way.
More please!!!
Author's Response:
"Not a fucking chapter," Brian chides, shaking his head in dismay. "Believe me, I know what a fucking chapter is, but it’s gonna be a while before I can provide another one of those. Gotta make sure the blond twat is okay first."
All kidding aside :D :we're made up that you liked this installment so much. <3 What a giant step for Brian - our favorite brunet stud admitted he has a partner. José summed it up best on AO3: Partner is the word of the chapter, no?
Isn't Teddy the best friend ever? :) Brynn and I have decided we want Teds of our own.
Justin really did learn a tough lesson. Should he be foolish enough to forget, there are plenty of people who will step in to remind him - think a whap upside the head à la Deb. :D Thankfully, he's off the cliff and his family jewels are safe. :)
Thanks for making us laugh, Glo, and for encouraging us to write more. :D There will be more - we promise! It may take a while, but we always deliver. :We are writing away and will try to get a teaser up in the FanDoc soon.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Nov 04, 2019 11:14 pm Title: Chapter 44: Sunday, December 17th - Part 1
Thanks for the update, such a great story
Author's Response:
Thanks for leaving a comment. :) We're made up that you're enjoying our tale so much.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Nov 04, 2019 5:21 pm Title: Chapter 44: Sunday, December 17th - Part 1
Amazing chapter!!! Full of emotions, witty repartees and major steps for Brian!
The parts where Justin is suffering are so painful that I could almost feel his pain. It's obvious that he hasn't been careful not to go to the ER after it happened and he is very lucky to avoid surgery. I hope he will follow the instructions he received.
Ted is magnificent in this chapter: for one, he dares pocking Brian without any fear of retaliation and then, he is very helpful with Justin, and also asks some very good questions.
So happy Carl is aware of what is happening and I hope he will push on Chris and St James. Chris for hurting and bullying Justin and St James for disregarding the aggression.
Brian and Justin relationship is shifting and it's so well written. Brian is sensible enough not to push on the drug and money topics. He also is very gentle with Justin and let go of his "anti PDA" habit so Justin can feel that he is not alone anymore; he has a partner and he matters.
Author's Response:
We're made up that you enjoyed this chapter so much. :) About time we got you - and the boys - off that cliff, huh?
You're not alone in commenting on suffering along with Justin. We're pretty sure our favorite blond teen has learned his lesson; if not, there are plenty of people who will jump in to remind him and get him back on track. He won't get away with not taking care of himself.
Ted's dry wit was always there, but now he has gained in self-confidence (thanks, Professor! :) so that he can both stand up to Brian and have his back. Theodore makes us all want a Teddy of our own.
We've had lots of comments from readers wanting Chris paying for what he did. You're one of the few to connect his behavior to the administration at St. James. At best, the school is neglectful; at worst, they're encouraging the homophobia.
Partner. <3 As José commented on AO3, "It's the word of the chapter." :)
Thanks for the wonderful review, Claire, and for letting us know what most resonated with you. :) We should have a teaser for the rest of the boys' Sunday posted in the FanDoc soon.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Nov 03, 2019 8:14 pm Title: Chapter 44: Sunday, December 17th - Part 1
I always love reading this story. Your chapters are so detailed. You have taken this story someplace different and it is great fun.
Author's Response:
We're thrilled you're enjoying our story! :) Thanks for leaving a comment - reviews really motivate us to keep writing.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Nov 03, 2019 1:14 pm Title: Chapter 44: Sunday, December 17th - Part 1
All I can say is "Poor Justin!" Glad he is almost out of the woods with his "injury." I sure hope Hobbs pays for what he did. I loved Ted and Brian caring for Justin and the humor mixed in there. Very clever of you to bring "the nurse" Brian was with when Ted awoke from his coma. Horvath is the best substitute dad ever. Justin is truly lucky to have so many people that love and care so much about him. I have to say the funniest thing for me is Brian having to deal with puke, tears, and bodily fluids in general on his clothes, duvet and boots! He is gradually realizing the depth of his feelings for Justin. It is obvious that both Horvath and Ted already know and are enjoying teasing him about his "partner." I'm so happy you will be getting the next part out soon. I so enjoy this story!
Author's Response:
We're still sighing in relief at having gotten Justin off that cliff, without any need for surgery. Is there anyone who doesn't want Hobbs to pay (aside from his cronies and the other homophobic prics at St. James)? He's deep in denial about who he is and is taking out his fears on Justin - with the encouragement of the St. James administrators. He probably gets his attitude from his parents as well. Grr.
Nurse Robert jumped into the opening scene of the chapter when we were writing it. :D We're glad you enjoyed the banter!
You're absolutely right. Justin has the best 'family' ever, and Horvath makes a wonderful, caring dad. He might've been really uncomfortable around homosexuals at the beginning of the story, but he's changed his tune. We'll credit Justin and maybe Debbie :P for that.
Justin is hard on Brian's designer clothes and furnishings. :D Does the stud get a "Poor Brian"? He's making major progress with this whole relationship shtick, so he wants a little sympathy. :D
Thanks for reviewing, Karla. :) We're working on the rest of the boys' Sunday and hope to have a teaser in the FanDoc soon.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Nov 03, 2019 2:01 am Title: Chapter 44: Sunday, December 17th - Part 1
Ouch. Amazing that Brian made sure that Justin got medical assistance with Ted's help. Got to say I'm loving Ted, who doesn't back down anymore. I'm really glad that no operation is required. Horvath showing up was a bonus and I'm hoping that Wen let's Hobbs have it for the damage he caused. Best part was Brian admitting that he and Justin are partners. Amazing.
Author's Response:
You beat out the other readers again with the first review for this chapter. :D EmisFritish on AO3 was nipping at your heels, though, so you'd better watch out! :D
Ted's always been able to match Brian with the acerbic wit, but now he's really gained in self-esteem, thanks to his relationship with our favorite professor.
Whew! We're all relieved that Justin is gonna be okay, sans surgery. We also want Hobbs - and the school admin - to pay for what's going on at St James. We'll have to see what Carl and Wen are able to do; Wen kicking ass sure sounds good.
As José noted over on AO3, "Partner is the word of the chapter." :) :)
Thanks for faithfully following and commenting on our story, Phyllis. We'll try to get a teaser for the next installment - and the rest of the boys' Sunday - up soon.
~ KaBrynn