Date: Oct 24, 2019 2:23 pm Title: Chapter 15
It's great to read that Justin and Brian are getting closer and that Justin is trying to get out of his comfort zone.
Author's Response:
They both have a lot of work they've already done, and lots more left to do, on this journey of self discovery. Glad you enjoyed the chapter!
Date: Oct 21, 2019 2:21 am Title: Chapter 15
Brian is struggling with letting Justin make his own decisions. I understand his reluctance as his allowing Justin to make his own decisions was the very thing that allowed Justin to plunge into Depression while his partner made multiple excuses. Brian is at least aware of the difficulties of hte situation and I'm pleased to see he was able distract himself enough. Love the last line of the chapter.
Author's Response:
Brian standing back now is a lot different from the way he stood back as Justin was falling deeper into depression, I think. He's still being mindful of the situation, but he knows he has to let Justin lead the way here. And for control-freak Brian, that's big. ;) So glad you loved the last line! <3

Date: Oct 20, 2019 1:54 pm Title: Chapter 15
Sometimes we let living get in the way of enjoying life. I'm glad you ended this chapter with Justin's call. It made for a great stopping point yet letting us want to know what he done that was so great.
Author's Response:
I know it was another cliffhanger, but it was at least a happy one this time! ;) You're absolutely right about letting living get in the way of enjoying...we get so wrapped up in the daily grind that we forget to sit back and take it all in. Brian and Justin have had a huge wake up call here when it comes to knowing what is important.
Date: Oct 20, 2019 8:13 am Title: Chapter 15
Oh wow I do hope Justin and Brian can become one again and it looks like they are. Brian has done an amazing job letting Justin be the man he can be on his own agenda
Author's Response:
Yes, they definitely are. They appreciate each other, and life, so much more now. Thanks for reading <3
Date: Oct 20, 2019 8:13 am Title: Chapter 15
Oh wow I do hope Justin and Brian can become one again and it looks like they are. Brian has done an amazing job letting Justin be the man he can be on his own agenda

Date: Oct 20, 2019 3:27 am Title: Chapter 15
Wonderful chapter. Fantastic writing as usual. Love that Justin is improving.
Author's Response:
Thank you <3 He's working on it, for sure.