Date: Oct 19, 2019 1:38 pm Title: But Was Thwarted and Now Enmeshed
So, Lindsay is looking at - at least three years... it could be very possible a judge might not be that lenient considering the extenuating circumstances. The fact she was trying to break the glass (which was stupid on her part, as the cops can get them anyway) tells me she might be guilty of more that she's hoping to hide. The thing I'm most curious about, is what's her reasoning for being there in the first place when she was supposed to be lying down? And why did she want to be there? I'm looking for an ulterior motive. And HOW did she have a hose handy to wash the blood away? Why did she have a hose if she didn't know she needed to wash the blood away after Justin was bashed? Maybe she planned for someone else to do it, but Michael beat them to it?
Anyway, I'm thinking Mikey might be scratching his head to come up with another lie:
I'm enjoying it!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Oct 18, 2019 3:24 am Title: But Was Thwarted and Now Enmeshed
ðŸ‘🥰. Loving where this is going

Date: Oct 16, 2019 8:10 pm Title: But Was Thwarted and Now Enmeshed
Got caught up. Great story and writing. Of course, I love when Linds and Mikey are in trouble. Fantastic writing.

Date: Oct 16, 2019 5:38 am Title: But Was Thwarted and Now Enmeshed
This was great. Never seen morons like Lyndsay & Michel. They are Truly a Remarkable pair jeolous idiots.
ThankYou for updates. 🙂

Date: Oct 14, 2019 3:19 pm Title: But Was Thwarted and Now Enmeshed
Very interesting and unexpected development!

Date: Oct 14, 2019 2:38 pm Title: But Was Thwarted and Now Enmeshed
Three Years?!
Well it s a start and Lindsay will look so lovely in Orange along with Michael she is so stupid and that stupidity got herself caught just like Michael.
Their arrogance and hatred for Justin and Brian lead to their downfall because they do hate Brian for not loving them or choosing them or following their demands.
Michael thought he had a car in the hole with proof of Brian cheating but all he got was proof that Brian and Justin were always meant to be together and nothing he or Lindsay did could stop that.
Thanks For the Update 😃
Date: Oct 14, 2019 10:47 am Title: But Was Thwarted and Now Enmeshed
Wow what a fantastic chapter I was so enthralled as I read every new detail being revealed

Date: Oct 14, 2019 10:42 am Title: But Was Thwarted and Now Enmeshed
So many questions. Why was Lindsay there with Gus? Washing blood? What is special about the glass? Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review, Gus wasn't with Lindsay, he was with Officer Fitson (she babysat him as a child). The glass had her fingerprints on it so that they could compare it to the ones on the fire extinguisher she used to wash the blood away.