Date: Oct 10, 2019 5:29 am Title: ...Then She Was Almost Victorious
Hmm, I'm finally getting around to catching up. I had two chapters tonight. How long is this dinner from Hell going to last? Although, I suppose it has to be long enough to get Michael's old car checked out. But, the topic of the actual bashing has fallen to the wayside.
And so many past secrets are coming to the light of day. Lindsay has really gotten it these last couple of chapters. Emmett had a couple of cute comments thrown in. Although, at the end of Chapter seven. Mel said something about finding out how Lindsay was involved in the bashing, yet we still have not learned. What a bitching, witch Lindsay is though. It sounds like Mel had agreed to use Brian as the father for JR, and Lindsay lied about it. And what did Lindsay mean when she said: and you have provided me with an alibi. I'm leaving. HOW? I must have missed something.
Michael pointed out that ... “She knew about the prom date! She told me! And I did fall in the apartment like I said, so…” ... interesting to see where you are taking this!
I was a little confused occasionally as to who was talking... especially at the end of chapter nine. It sounded like Hunter and Justin were alone, and a second later, Gus was there. First, Justin says "you will never repeat this to Gus" ... then ?Gus? calls him Papa J, and Hunter tells Gus he's not neat, like Justin is. So, where did Gus come from?
But, it sounds like Lindsay kept all her exploits on the computer. No wonder she was nicknamed V3 and Mel was able to get rid of her. (By the way, is it V3 or 3V? You have used both so far.)
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Hi Cathy, thanks for the review. The bashing is coming back full force in the next couple of chapters, but need to Lindsay in place as it were. Lindsay as you suspect does know morea about the bashing than she said and then there's Ben to come as well.
Happy reading
Date: Oct 08, 2019 10:07 pm Title: ...Then She Was Almost Victorious
thanks for update

Date: Oct 08, 2019 7:51 am Title: ...Then She Was Almost Victorious
I'm glad like Gus that Cynthia is not close to her. *Smiling cheekily* Wonderful, smackdowns & Lindsy nastyness thrown at her face.
While watching show, Michel & Lindsay always reminded The two sides of same coin, remain Unspent. Trying to lynch Brian to their sides like f**ing a Humpty & Dumpty.

Date: Oct 07, 2019 5:25 pm Title: ...Then She Was Almost Victorious
Lindsay as usual Fucked herself without lube by recording her trysts!
What A Maroon!!
I swear Michael and Lindsay are two stupid to be among people who can stand up straight.
Thanks For the Update 😃

Date: Oct 07, 2019 2:58 pm Title: ...Then She Was Almost Victorious
Emmett is such a reactive guy: the picture he took must be printed and displayed at the diner.
I love the expression "flexibility and enthusiasm" used to describe Lindsay's proclivity for extra marital activities.
Is Justin remembering the song from the prom without realizing it?
I also love when Michael learns about Brian and Ben at the white party.

Date: Oct 07, 2019 12:38 pm Title: ...Then She Was Almost Victorious
Things are coming out and boy is it icky.