Date: Sep 30, 2019 3:11 am Title: Chapter 11
It's hard to notice things when you yourself are having problems, being mental or physical. Having friends that understand helps.
Author's Response:
It is...and Brian is easily distracted. But now he's paying attention...he just needs to let go of the guilt.

Date: Sep 30, 2019 2:40 am Title: Chapter 11
took my rating away again.
Date: Sep 30, 2019 2:39 am Title: Chapter 11
Great chapter. At least they are starting to move in the right direction. Terrific writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you! Yes they are...finally <3
Date: Sep 29, 2019 10:06 pm Title: Chapter 11
Omg I was so teary reading that making it hard to read lol great job loving in depth description of real feelings
Author's Response:
Thank you so much <3 This was a difficult chapter to write, but I'm glad that it seems like I conveyed what I wanted to with it.

Date: Sep 29, 2019 10:02 pm Title: Chapter 11
You really have a talent to make my eyes water; not plain tears though because they seem on the ascending side. It tough for an adult like Brian to let go and cry. He is so inadequate for such reaction since his dreadful childhood which almost broke his sensitive side.
At least, Justin seems at peace while sleeping and he is starting to go back to the kitchen. It's not tomorrow that he will cook Jembalaya, but he will, one day.
Author's Response:
Brian and Justin hit rock bottom in the last chapter...it's all upward from here, but the path will not be linear by any means. Such is life, though. I see Brian as a very sensitive person, because he wouldn't need those walls if he wasn't. But you are right that his childhood broke him, and made him reluctant to allow himself to feel those things, and gave him the impulse to hide it when he does. Self care is even going to be a struggle for Justin for a while, I think. And it's going to be hard for Brian to be the support during this process, but he is committed to doing it.
Date: Sep 29, 2019 10:00 pm Title: Chapter 11
Great update. The pain that both of them are feeling is very palpable. Great writing. I know that writing an emotional story is hard and takes a lot of effort on the writer's part. As a reader, I appreciate the update.
Author's Response:
Thank you <3 This was an extremely difficult chapter to write because it was so emotional. I needed to be in the right headspace to do it, and that took a bit of time. And I still left it with a lot of tears shed, and a headache. But I'm pleased with how it turned out, and that it seems I've conveyed what I intended.